Friday, September 29, 2017

The Snake Won Again

SIGH !! Boo Hoo !!  
This little devil is a real tempter !!  
UGH !!

That drat of a snake won my day yesterday. I ate a lot, and an apple wasn't in the mix.

I'm not gonna tell you what I consumed. If I did, you might think I was preparing for an eating challenge. You know the kind I'm talking about.  I once saw contestants compete to see who could eat the most hot dogs in thirty seconds.

I didn't eat hot dogs.

But I ate a lot of other stuff.

I didn't step on the scale this morning. 
That bad news number would show up that I don't want to see. 
The numbers can't go down, not the way I ate yesterday.

Did you ever have one of those days where you're hungry, and no matter what you ate, you're still hungry?

Me too!

At the rate I'm going, I'll gain twenty pounds instead of lose  'em.

This guy is a happy, sneaky snake. He won my day yesterday.


Wednesday, September 27, 2017

To Read or Not to Read, That is the question

Here's another review

This book is a clear contrast to Ms. Lewis’ “Sarah” series. Whereas the stories about Sarah, the dyslexic angel, are funny and light-hearted, though with deeper meaning, Mattie’s Choice is a totally different direction.
Mattie’s Choice is a historical novel that takes the reader back to the early 1900s, with vivid descriptions of life in rural Osage County, Oklahoma, poverty, family pride, misinterpretation of the Scriptures, and domestic abuse (verbal and physical) all too commonplace then and is still prevalent today.
There are many lessons to be learned from the book—how a seemingly innocent choice can be life-changing, how to identify potential signs of domestic violence, how much jealousy is too much, how to sort through options, and how to be a survivor with God’s help and guidance. --Joy

Comments. I love getting them. These came from the Gail Palotta's blogspot. Here's the link. Peering through Life's Window. Leave a comment and you might win a free eBook.

 Connie said...
As i read this post, I have mixed emotions about Mattie's Choice. I'm not sure that it will be an easy book to read BUT I think that it is a needed book to read. Abuse is very prevalent today but I do believe that today's women do have more support than the women mentioned in Mattie's Choice but the stigma is still strong. I'm sure that all of them go endure a lot before they make the decision that they have endured enough. Gay, your mother-in-law is to be commended!
Thanks for the chance to win this book.
September 25, 2017 at 8:44 AM
Blogger Gay Lewis said...
Thanks Connie! The book deals with a serious subject, and it's an unforgettable book. The book has hope, and We owe a debt of gratitude to the women who went before us and blazed new trails. Women were thought to be too stupid in Mattie's day to drive or even vote. Careers were few. A woman could teach until she married. Times are so much better for us today, yet some men are still cruel. I've known many women that think they deserve abuse. I hope this book teaches them that they don't. Sometimes one can see themselves by looking at another. I hope this is the case. Thanks for this comment.
September 25, 2017 at 2:23 PM
Blogger Sonja said...
An important topic to read about and I am sure this will be an eye-opener. I also know some people that have experienced that. Tough topic!
September 25, 2017 at 5:25 PM
Blogger Lisa Lickel said...

It's a well crafted tale about a difficult subject, but it will create good opportunities for discussion! I don't think I could have done what Mattie did, either.
September 26, 2017 at 10:35 AM

I remember a book I needed to read, but the subject made me sad. After I read it, I was pleased I did. The book was excellent and I learned about human trafficking beyond mere facts and statistics. The story made me understand the plight of many. I was introduced to the viewpoint of many: the young women and children, the law enforcement who try to help, the families who missed loved ones. After the read, I wanted to help.

I know a few readers will look at these comments and reviews and turn away. We don't like to think of the unseemly, but how can we change something if we aren't move to do something about it?

I love hearing from you. Let me know what you think about Mattie. Could you have done what she did?

Mattie's Choice is available in eBook or print.


Monday, September 25, 2017

Now or Never

Wow! I heard the song, "It's Now or Never," sung by Elvis while driving in the car a few minutes ago.

You know how it is, you hear a goldie-oldie and a memory hits you like a lightening bolt.

That's what that song did for me. Usually when a radio station plays that tune, I turn the dial. The song is pretty and I love the way Elvis sings it. But then I like the way Elvis sings everything.

Two choices:  The lyrics say to make one, now or never. That's the way we often make choices. Now. Or. Never.

We have choices in life. Sometimes our selections involves the now. If I go to a restaurant and the waiter comes for my selection, it's time to order and choose. Don't mess around. The time is now.

Other choices we should NEVER make. Like the one when I almost married the wrong man.

I said yes to a marriage proposal that I should have declined.

But the guy quoted Elvis. "It's now or never," he said those words and handed me a ring.

I was put on the spot. It wasn't like I could say to the waiter in the restaurant, "I haven't decided yet, give me a few minutes."  

I gulped and said yes.

But after a few weeks, I got up the nerve to give the ring back. It took a while, but I made the right choice. NEVER.

I haven't seen the guy since. He was a nice dude, and I'm sure he still is, but we weren't right for each other.

So when I hear Elvis sing, I listen, unless he's singing "It's Now or Never." I change the dial instantly when that one comes along.

Choices change our lives.

They have for me.

They certainly did for Mattie and Ella.

These two women made choices. Sometimes the choices were immediate and others took time.
All were heartrending and life changing.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Love or Hate Reviews?

Some authors read reviews, others don't. I'm one that does.  I was happy to see the 4th review for Mattie's Choice this morning. All four have been five stars. I'm thankful. 

This was a hard book to write. I didn't know how it would be received. 

Customer reviews

Top customer reviews

on September 23, 2017
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Marriage. The Long, Short and split of it.

In California, we visited the Sequoias. Goliath trees. Many had similarities and yet distinct characteristics. 

I fell in love with this tree.

Is it one? Or is it two trees grown together?

Several of us on the California tour chatted about this tree. It is one, but I love the way it symbolizes marriage.

The tree reminds me that two people start out with distinct features and different characteristics but with time, they grow to one unique element. Like many long-time married couples, this tree is joined at the hip. If you look at each trunk reaching to the heavens, you'll see variances, but looking at the whole, you see the total.

I like the idea of this tree being a happy one. Two "personalities" united to make one entity.

The tree has longevity. 
Many of these Sequoias live 3000 years. 
Couples in satisfying marriages 
look forward to a lengthy life together.

Paul and I have had decades of years and we hope for many more. One thing is certain. This tree will outlive us. 
We'll gaze on it together from heaven one day.

Kerry and John Cox look happy as they stand by General Sherman. I'm not sure how long they've been married, but they appear happy and standing here, they're joined at the hip.

Our bus tour had couples of various ages. Some, like Paul and me, had been married for ages. Others on the coach were newer at it.
Some were single. 
I know one or two people here in Houston who choose to stay solo. That's okay too. Individuals can grow strong and tall too.

On the other hand, if two people are in an unhappy marriage, they might view this tree differently. They could look at the split, and say, "That's us. Divided down the middle." Perhaps they stay joined because of kids. Or jobs. Maybe financials. My hope for them is that they find means to reconcile the split and live a happy, united life. Some may choose to divorce. That's okay too. Sometimes differences can't be reconciled, and some issues shouldn't be resolved. 

The two fictitious women in my novel, Mattie and Ella, had unique marriages. For them, it was time to move on, leave husbands. Terminate a union that wasn't healthy.

If you haven't read Mattie's Choice, I hope you will, and it's still time to enter to win a book.  You have until September 22 to enter on Amazon and today is the final day on DiAne Gate's blog.

See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Book and More Books to Win

Don't forget to meet DiAne Gates!

She interviewed me on her blog, and I'm giving a book there too! Hop over and DiAne may draw your name. 

Enter here also. The more chances the better, right?

Five Star Reviews

5.0 out of 5 stars
on September 15, 2017
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase

on September 17, 2017
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase

on September 16, 2017
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase

Monday, September 18, 2017

Blue Monday

Good Monday Morning!

So how are you beginning your week? Are you old enough to remember this song, "Blue Monday?" Fats Domino made it popular in the 1956 film, The Girl Can't Help It.

I never saw the film, but I like the song.

Play "Blue Monday"
on Amazon Music
"Blue Monday"
Blue Monday how I hate Blue Monday
Got to work like a slave all day
Here come Tuesday, oh hard Tuesday
I'm so tired got no time to play

Here come Wednesday, I'm beat to my socks
My gal calls, got to tell her that I'm out
'Cause Thursday is a hard workin' day
And Friday I get my pay

Saturday mornin', oh Saturday mornin'
All my tiredness has gone away
Got my money and my honey
And I'm out on the stand to play

Sunday mornin' my head is bad
But it's worth it for the time that I had
But I've got to get my rest
'Cause Monday is a mess

I'm busy on this Monday, and I don't have time to be blue. I'm continuing to tell everyone about Mattie's Choice. If you haven't entered to win a free book, hurry!  The offer expires September 22. Click on the link. It's easy peasy.

Win a Free Book

Now that I've reminded you about Mattie, I'll tell you my plans.

I'm also going to drive today. Look out Houston! 
I chose a red car so people could see me and move out of the way. 

My poor hubby. He's so patient and kind. I was driving the other day with him as a passenger. I let him out when we pulled into the driveway so he could retrieve a trash can. He then watched me scrape the side of the garage as I tried to maneuver the car to my parking space.

Oh mercy!

He just shook his head. Never said a word.

He buffed most of it out.

Is he a saint or what?

I'm on the way to Sugar Land today to get new contact lens. Maybe they'll help. My depth perception isn't too good. 

If you see me coming, switch lanes.

Don't forget about Mattie. Enter to win a book. Sarah is out there too. Sarah will make you laugh out loud. She's a hoot.

Have a Happy Monday.  Not a blue one.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Drunk Driver?

How did this happen?

This is not my garage. I didn't do this.

Paul drives a blue truck and I drive a red car, but I promise, this isn't my garage.

Now I admit, the first year I lived in Houston, I had nine wrecks, but this wasn't one of them.

In many cases, mine were bazaar, but whoever did this takes the cake.

Hubby has a friend. I don't know him. He can't claim an association with me or Sarah, my dyslexic angel, are a result of his driving abilities. 

I digress. Anyway, Paul's friend once drank champagne at a wedding. This guy doesn't normally drink. When he went to his garage the next morning, his car was parked sideways. Like parallel sideways, wall to wall. He didn't know how he'd managed to park that way the night before, and he couldn't get the vehicle out when he tried to remove it as a sober man.

He called for help. No, not the police. He called a wrecker to extract his car.

My friend, Jack Watts tells how the truck got on top of the car. Click on the link above...the one with his name on it. I needed a smile today. How about you?

Have a blessed day!

Friday, September 15, 2017

Win a Book!

Follow me on my author page on Amazon. Each new person to follow between now and September 22 earns a chance to win an eBook of Mattie's Choice.

This will not sign you up to a mail list. You will not be receiving email blasts. Don't you just hate those? Everyone wants your email, and then you get one advertisement after another. Yuk!

If you check the box under my picture, when I release a new book, you will be notified. 

I wish I released a book every month. But that's not the case.

You might get a notification once a year!

It takes most authors at least six months to write a book and six months for editing and publishing.

Mattie's Choice is an exception.

It took me twelve years to write it and a year to get it edited and published. Prism Book Group merged with Pelican Book Group. Prism is now an imprint of Pelican. Mercy me! All the changes.

Whew! Right?

A lot of work from me, 
several editors and two publishers went into this book.

So please read it!

And please follow me on Amazon.

I hope you win!

The Greatest Generation

Official!  Mattie is now released.

Do you like history? If so, you'll enjoy Mattie's story. 
The story begins in 1925 and goes to WWII.

Here is an excerpt from the book.

"I’m anxious about it all. It’s on my mind all the time. I remember too much about the last one. The Great War ended when Maury and I were ten years old. Those were scary times for a child. That thing was supposed to be the War to End All Wars. Papa was too old to go, but he contributed to the effort with farm produce.” Mattie spoke while she poured coffee for Jesse.

“If it hadn’t ended, Joe and I would have gone. We were at the right age for it, and we are again. Joe will go, but my hand will keep me here.”

“Osage County had quite a few men back then and they were all between the ages of twenty-one and thirty. They had to register for the Selective Service Act. I remember it well. Maury and I had friends whose brothers fought in France. Ida Ann’s oldest brother died over there.”

At the mention of Maury, Jesse ground his teeth again and picked up his coffee cup with a shaking hand.

Mattie ignored his expression. “I recall those days like they were yesterday. Papa told us how President Wilson went to Congress to ask for a declaration of war. He stated in his speech that sending men into war would bring peace, freedom and safety to all nations. When he got to that part, Congress interrupted the President’s speech with applause. Papa thought it odd to applaud sending our young men to die in combat. President Wilson later said he thought the same thing.”

Jesse widened his eyes. “I can’t get over you chattering about these things. You didn’t babble like this when we first married.”

Mattie bit her lip, noticed his ugly expression, and went on. “Papa always said that Germany would find a way to retaliate for their country’s losses. I’m praying none of our men go, but I worry they will.”

Jesse gazed out the window and was silent for a moment. “I don’t believe the conflict will happen for us.” 

“I hope you’re right. I’ve never understood the reason men put us into war. I suppose it comes from a desire for land and power, Warfare is a terrible ordeal for young men to endure, and so many are needless. Take the Civil War as an example. Let’s pray for all the national leaders. Prayer is the most powerful weapon we have.”

The characters in Mattie's Choice are fictional, but the circumstances they faced were real. Mattie, and her friend Ella, were inspired by two women I admired very much. These two lived during perilous times.  The Depression and the Dust Bowl took lives, homes and land. Polio was rampant. Route 66 came to be a reality. Women had few rights, but they'd been given the privilege to vote in 1920, and that was a major accomplishment. A baby born out of wedlock was shunned. The birth certificate read "Illegitimate."  Reading history makes us thankful for change and progress, and we learn from it.  The years between 1925 and 1940 had many challenges, but people were strong and resilient. they have been tagged "The Greatest Generation."

PBG Insider: Gay N. Lewis Introduces her "Sarah" series

Sarah at Christmas