Monday, May 30, 2016

Memorial Day, 2016

The Vietnam Memorial in Washington D.C.
The next two photos are from the Veteran's Cemetery in Dallas.
Most cities have places of honor for our veterans.
And they should.
Without our men and women giving their lives,
 we would have no cities worth living in.
Thankful for our heroes.
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My dad told me about riding the waves in one of these as he led his platoon into France.
He never spoke much about it.
Most of the men didn't.
I wish he'd given me more details.
But the memories were too horrible to recall.
War is not a vacation. It is not a trek into paradise.
War is a glimpse of hell on earth.
I'm thankful for the sacrifices. I hope all of us will give respect and honor.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Gay's Day. PROM TIME


Do you remember yours? I do, and when I find pictures, I'm going to post them of my dress. I chose a white one. I can't remember where I stashed those photos, but I'm looking for them. Stay tuned.

In my book, Sarah and a Date for Mackenzie, Mackenzie and her friend shops for gowns. Recall that fun? Trying on the glam clothes? 
This book is not just for teens. Mackenzie has a mom and a grandmother, so three generations are represented. Sarah, the dyslexic angel, is assigned to help them all. On my blog today, I'm telling you about Sarah tagging along with the teenagers to shop for dresses. She drools over the colors and sequins. Sarah's wardrobe consists of white muslin.
In her heart of hearts, Mackenzie wants to go to prom, but fears no one will ask her. She's shy and avoids peers. Her mom teaches at the high school, and that is no help. In fact, it makes things worse. 
Ashley, Mackenzie's best friend insists she go shopping for dresses. Mackenzie tries on several pink, demure ones. They fit her personality.  

Which one of these pink dresses would you choose if you'd been Mackenzie?
Here's an excerpt from Mackenzie and Ashley's shopping spree. They are in a dressing room in a posh shop.

Mackenzie selected two dresses and disappeared. When she stepped out, she wore an innocent, pink dress with a beaded, jewel neckline and cap sleeves. Ashley stood at the three-way mirror in a backless mermaid dress, split showing leg at the side, and bling covering the bodice.
“Wow Mac! You look stunning. That dress is perfect for you. Demure and sweet.”
“Maybe I’d rather be more daring. Look at you. You’d stop a train.”
“This one is a little too sophisticated, but you’re beautiful in that one.”

 (Ashley tries on several dresses, and all are showy and blingy. She is an extrovert and doesn't mind showing off her assets.)  Here's another Ashley tried on.
 This is the one she chose.
  Now back to Mackenzie and her selection. Another excerpt from Sarah and a Date for Mackenzie
Mackenzie twisted her mouth. “I do like the pink one, even if it’s reserved.”  Her lips relaxed into a grin. “I guess it’s more me.”

“The color is perfect with your blonde hair.”

Mackenzie buys the dress with the intention of returning it. Sarah must find Mackenzie a date so she can wear the beautiful dress. This book has a secondary story about a bully. I enjoyed writing it and I think moms and daughters will find it entertaining.  I hope helpful too. Bullies are difficult to deal with, and Mackenzie's mom has a few suggestions.
Leave a comment about your prom dress. What did you wear? What color was it? Did you feel like a princess? Was the evening fun? A disaster? Would you date the same guy again?

From the comments I receive, I'll draw a name and give away a copy of Sarah and a Date for Mackenzie.  It's a fun book, and I'd love to hear about your prom dress. So spill the details.


Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Dementia and Alzheimers

I once spoke to a group of about three hundred people. They all wore name tags. Many knew each other already, but in case they forgot someone's moniker, a tag attached to a shoulder was a good reminder.

None of them knew me.

I began the introduction to my speech and used the label designations as an attention getter.  I said something like this.

"Names are often difficult to remember so I'm pleased we are all easily identified. If I forget your name, I can read it and  my problem is solved.

"What if we couldn't remember our own name?  What if we couldn't recall friends or family? Or how about the nightmare of forgetting who God is?

"There may come a time when our memories fail us, but God's mind never collapses. He never forgets who we are. A disease may make us unable to think of Him, but He always knows us.

"Now here's an interesting part. God chooses to forget the sin and awful deeds we've done, but forever remembers us, the person. Our names are so important to Him that He records them in His Book of Life when we become His family."

I saw a post on Facebook from Dr. Michelle Bengtson, Neuropsychologist. Here's her quote. I don't know if it is original with her or not, but it is a good one.

Satan knows your name but he calls you be your sin.
 God knows you sin but He calls you by your name.

Isn't that amazing? He never gets confused or fearful, but we do, especially if we fight illness.

People with dementia or Alzheimer's often feel disoriented. They become angry because they can't remember normal their name. Many won't be able to meditate on the Holy One, but He will think of them.

Patience. Love. Respect.
These are qualities a sufferer with these diseases need. Some are difficult to give. Patience is not one of my virtues but I'm trying to cultivate it. At the time I gave the speech, our daughter was healthy. She now experiences early onset dementia and requires patience.

Let's also remind ourselves and the ill loved one that God always knows them and hasn't forgotten them. We can't explain why disease and hard times came their way...or ours. Only God knows why. Our choice is to remain faithful to Him and the person who hurts.

Before I forget this important reminder.
Have you read the latest Sarah book?

Saturday, May 7, 2016



You don’t arrive on Earth without one.

Some are virtuous—the kind you wish each child had.
Others aren’t so honorable.

Let’s talk about women and their roles as a mom.

Sentiments abound on this day. We spend large amounts of money on cards, flowers, gifts and dinners. And we should. Mothers deserve our appreciation. I wish mine were living so I could honor her once more.

Have you given thought to someone other than your mom on this occasion? It must be difficult for some women on Mother’s Day. Those who are without children. While churches make a big deal of the day and families take mom to a restaurant, what about the lonely woman who has no one to do those things for her?
How about the mom who gives her child up for adoption? Many of those women long for that baby all their lives.
How about abortion? Numerous females who terminate offspring mourn the loss of the child. For numerous women, halting the baby’s progress doesn’t eliminate the connection.

Mothers who’ve lost children to wars, disease or accidents suffer grief until eternity. Most of us expect our children to outlive us, but that isn’t always the case.
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What about the women who long for babies but can’t have any? The hole in their heart grows bigger each time they see a sweet, little cherub.

I once saw a pregnant woman sitting in a choir loft on Mother’s Day. The pastor asked the mothers to stand, and this lady’s face grew bright red. She was expecting her first child and didn’t consider herself to be a mother just yet. I disagree. Moms take care of the unborn before they leave the womb and it becomes a lifelong process.

When a child is conceived, a mother is born.

A bonding process begins.

Most of us think of our mothers with love and appreciation. Many children love their mom in spite of maltreatment. That bond thing again—children have it for mothers too.

One of our daughters once worked in a children’s home. Abused kids were brought to her for shelter—one had cigarette burns covering her body. All the kids under our daughter's care had memories of a mom who’d abandoned them. The physical and emotional pain those children endured go beyond comprehension.

Stepmoms and adopted moms hold special places in the lives of children. Their kids were born before they met them. Applaud them for loving the child from another woman’s body.
Let’s not forget the unsung heroes. Teachers who work with kids each day, and others like our daughter who care for the hurting, abandoned little guys. Aunts. Grandmothers.

Authors who write children’s books. Women play an important role in the life of children.

All Women influence children.

Let’s honor the righteous ones and pray for the hurting ones on this Mother's Day.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Gay's Day's "Kindness"

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."
 I took a picture of this plaque on a wall. In a simple phrase, it says a great deal.
As you listen to the political rhetoric,
Do you hear kindness?
As you visit with family,
Do you hear kindness?
Watching talk shoes, Sitcoms, Drama
Do you hear kindness?
When you speak, do you speak kindly?
I love the statement by Philo in the picture above.
Everyone is in a battle of some kind.
Kindness doesn't cure the ills, but it goes along way toward brightening a day.
Georgia loves her husband, Alan. She shows him kindness with actions and words, but Alan responds in a heartless, selfish way. To receive respect and admiration from people, he believes he must have a perfect wife—so he criticizes Georgia at every opportunity—even tells her she’s fat! Alan’s best friend Ken and his wife Jana reassure Georgia that she remains the gorgeous beauty queen she was during her college days. Who will Georgia believe—her friends or the mysterious, handsome stranger who comes into her life?

Circumstances bring a change to Alan’s attitude. But is it too late to save this marriage?
2.99 on Amazon

PBG Insider: Gay N. Lewis Introduces her "Sarah" series

Sarah at Christmas