Saturday, October 31, 2015

Gay's Days How Safe Are You on Halloween?

How Safe Are You on Halloween?

As a child, I never cared for Halloween.  I thought it a bit scary. The positive part of that night was getting a measure of freedom. My mom was over-protective and never let my sister and me go more than five houses down, but on Halloween, we were permitted to approach six houses on each side of us, as well as the same number across the street. Joy! A degree of liberation. That was better than candy—but the sugary treats were good too.

During those years, no one had yet to envision wicked actions such as poisoning kid’s candy, but then some evil person did. Others have followed suit over the years. That act by a demon changed the way we enjoy the night.

Kids aren’t safe this day and time. Neither are adults. Accepting homemade treats is unwise. Store bought treats are usually harmless. Don’t let the kiddos go into the unknown without supervision. Be cautious about where the kids knock on doors. Examine all candy.
Don't be too anxious. Do have fun!
We are attending a party tonight. My neighbor has invited us. We are supposed to wear costumes. Hubby and I will go as we are, but since we are a preacher and wife, I think that should be enough to scare the evil spirits. Don’t you agree?

Our neighbor loves to decorate for every holiday. She’s outdone herself this year.


 How did Halloween start anyway?
Halloween originated as the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, meaning “summer’s end.” The autumnal holiday, rooted in Christian and pagan festivals—with elements of magic and mystery, celebrated the link between seasonal and life cycles (winter was then a time associated with death).”
 The Library of Congress.

I gather from this quote that Halloween started as a way to celebrate the end of a season, and some individual convinced others along the way that spirits would return to visit living relatives on that night.
Do you like stories about ghosts and spirits?

Writers create stories about evil spirits. You'll find books dedicated to Halloween.  I prefer to write about the holy ones. My latest short story is FREE on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Sarah is a sweet angel with many insecurities. She won't scare you, but she'll make you laugh.

Many Americans will celebrate tonight with parties and costumes. Some will dress as goblins, skeletons, ghosts, witches, others will dress as super heroes such as Spider Man. Whatever you do, stay safe!



Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Gay's Days, After the Rain

Hurricane Patricia hit Mexico and sent torrential rains to Texas this past weekend.
After the rain, beautiful skies appeared.
I left my house yesterday for a morning walk.
The white clouds in a brilliant blue heaven were welcome sights.
 Sarah, the little angel I write about, would have had many fluffy places to choose for a resting place.
The bad storm brought disaster for many these past few days.
In Mexico and Texas, roofs caved and residents lost homes.
 Roads washed away and people drowned.
On the other hand...
Fire was taking homes in Central Texas, but
rain ceased those raging fires blazing out of control.
The deluge replenished drought areas.
Citizens in Wichita Falls, TX needed showers.
Water supply had been so low this past summer that people
evacuated the region.
So was the storm a bad thing or a good thing?
Perspective makes a difference, doesn't it?
"Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."
 I Thessalonians: 5:22
Hard to do, isn't it? Thankful for harmful circumstances? Ugh. Who wants to do that?
Scripture tells us to be thankful during bad conditions because God is faithful.
He works all things to our good when we love Him and are called for His purpose.
Here's Sarah sitting on one of her clouds.
She loves those fluffy things but doesn't care for the stormy ones.
On Amazon

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Gay's Days ~ Claire Sander's newsletter.

Good morning friends,
Look what I found! Claire Sanders has launched a monthly
newsletter, and I'm featured on her first edition.
How about that?  A welcome surprise... for sure.
Claire Sanders writes inspiration and sweet romance, and
you will enjoy her books.  She won an award for A Thousand
Little Blessings. I read it, reviewed it and recommend it to
Claire and I met at a West Houston RWA meeting and
discovered we have a lot in common and write in the same
genre. Claire has also joined the Prism Book Group family
of authors. 
A dedicated Christian, Claire enjoys her church and family,
and as teacher, she brings delight to an elementary class
in the Katy, TX ISD. These students are fortunate. How many
kids have a teacher with an earned doctorate? Rather than go
into administration as most do with advanced degrees,
Claire's choice is the classroom and children.
Here's my review on A Thousand Little Blessings.
I hope you will read the book. It will bless you!
My review ~
"I neglected sleep. I ignored chores. "Just one more chapter," I'd promise myself. I needed to find out what happened to Etta and Gabriel. They were right for each other, but she had a bank to run and a thief to find. He needed to forgive himself for the atrocities of war he'd endured at the battle at St. Etienne in France in WWI. This book, set in 1919, has tidbits of history that will fascinate you. I found out why a truck is called a pickup, and the high, dangerous speed of the day was forty miles an hour! You will enjoy this book. Claire Sanders did a good job telling this story. The plots and subplots are woven together in an entertaining fashion."
And be sure to scroll down to read Claire's newsletter.
Welcome to the launch of my monthly newsletter! I'm so glad you could join in.

October 2015

This September I was honored to win the Rom-Crown Reader's Crown Award for Inspirational Romance. I would like to thank everyone who voted and reviewed A Thousand Little Blessings. I am truly blessed. Thank you!
If you would like your own copy of A Thousand Little Blessings, click here!

Seasonal Traditions

I can't believe how fast the year has flown by. Already I'm setting out my collection of terra cotta jack o lanterns.  When she was a little girl, my daughter thought they were scary and they had to be temporarily retired.  Now I put them out on Halloween night to let my neighborhood children know that they are welcome to trick-or-treat at my house.
I would love to know what traditions you and your family have.

Meet Author Gay N. Lewis

Gay N. Lewis has a background in video production and interior design. Her credits include Psalms from the Mountains, The Canadian Rockies and Many Churches, One Vision.  As a pastor’s wife and Adult Bible Study Leader, she has written numerous church programs and newsletters. Three daughters and four grandchildren keep her busy. Before her full time writing career, she worked in interior design and video. Gay lives in Fulshear, TX.
    She is the author of the Sarah Series. Sarah, a dyslexic angel, arrives from The Heavenlies to unite couples into lasting relationships.  Problem? Well, Sarah is always lost, loves red stilettos and falls down often.  When she must appear as a mortal, she can’t find a proper human disguise. Havoc and Mayhem should be her middle name. Sarah is a combination of I Love Lucy, I Dream of Jeanie, and Touched by an Angel rolled into one.
     The Sarah books are filled with humor and Christian inspiration.  Sarah’s shortcomings make it easy for the reader to identify with her.
     All of the Sarah books have appeared on Amazon’s Best Seller’s List.
The Sarah series is available in eBook format as well as print at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Prism Book Group, and other book sellers. Some additions are available in Amazon Audible. Each book in the series is a standalone novel.

Connect with Gay N. Lewis:
For more information, please go to http ://
Read excerpts on
Gay would love to have you see her video trailers and become a follower of her blog. and also on Twitter @GayNLewis2.
Sarah has her own Facebook page. Follow Sarah on Facebook@ Sarah Wingspand

Pictures from El Dia de los Muertos:

El Día de los Muertos

The Day of the Dead

  The first time I saw an altar for El Día de los Muertos, a small part of me thought it was creepy but the larger part was intrigued.  What did these scenes of costumed skeletons mean to the Mexican culture?
   In Houston, there are several neighborhoods that were originally settled by the Mexican American population during the 1920s and 1930s.  These barrios still feature mercados (grocery stores) and panaderías (bakeries) that cater to that population.  From mid-October through early November, it is quite common to see altars set up in family-run businesses and outside of churches.  Although it coincides with the American celebration of Halloween, El Día de los Muertos is not considered a scary thing in the Mexican-American culture.                  
  Harking back to pre-Columbian times, the indigenous people of Mexico believed that at this time of year, spirits of deceased family members return to visit their families.  There was once a strong belief that if the spirits were happy, they would provide protection and good luck to their families.  Therefore, the family’s altar will feature photos of the deceased, food, flowers, and maybe even a few glasses of tequila.
  This is also the time of year when families visit cemeteries to share an outdoor meal and to clean the graves.  Skulls made of sugar or chocolate are given to children as treats or used to decorate the family’s altar.  I’ve also seen small sugar coffins.
  In my opinion, the most interesting sights are the skeleton figurines, called calacas.  Calacas show an active and joyful afterlife.  It’s not unusual to see skeletal mariachis, horsemen, and even brides and grooms.  To some, it’s a grim reminder of the inevitable, but they’re not intended to frighten but rather to remind us that this life is not all.
 In order to understand El Día de los Muertos, I had to learn to see with something other than my American eyes.  Now I see it as a joyful time for remembering loved ones who have passed on and for celebrating the joys of this life.
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Friday, October 9, 2015

Gay's Days. Fall Season in Texas

I drool over the beautiful pictures on Facebook showing the fall season in northern states.
Down here in Houston, we don't have any yet.
If the temperatures ever lower themselves from the 90's, a few colors might appear.
In the blurry picture below, I captured beautiful trees as we whizzed by in a vehicle. We had no time to stop and admire the gorgeous scenery in Quebec, Canada. This trip took place in September a few years ago, and we found everything stunning.
I loved the yard decorations.

We don't stand in golden leaves often. This was a treat for hubby.
Here it is mid-October, and pecans are falling in our neighborhood. A pecan orchard existed once where we live, and several native trees continue to abound. Cars run over fallen pecans and they make a greasy mess on the street.  I suppose this is fall for Texans.  Falling pecans.
I took this picture this morning of a pecan tree in our backyard. Some years we picked up more than a hundred pounds of the little delights. They make wonderful pies, cakes, or snacks.  See how green everything remains?
If you live in areas where you have beautiful fall colors, enjoy them! Thank God for them.
"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven." Ecclesiastes 3:1.

PBG Insider: Gay N. Lewis Introduces her "Sarah" series

Sarah at Christmas