Friday, March 25, 2016

Gay's Days Another Love Is

Good morning friends,

Beautiful day in Houston, and it is Good Friday. I heard Cardinal Dolan this morning on Fox and Friends. I'm going to paraphrase the statement he made. If I'd had a pen handy, I'd have written it down. It went something like this.

People of faith find it hard to understand and accept bad things. People without faith find it impossible.

Good Friday--the day of the Crucifixion--a bad day that brought good results. Not just good, but amazing results.

I'm excited to introduce you to another Love Is novella. This one is by the talented Lisa Lickel. Lisa not only writes, but edits manuscripts for other authors. She lives in Wisconsin and often finds herself snow bound. She says those are good days for writing and reading...unless the power goes off.

From the time boys became more than “tag” targets I was never without someone of the opposite sex to hang out with, call on the phone, escort me to dances or movies, even when Mom was the chauffeur. I was a drama queen flirt, histrionic friend, and disingenuous church group groupie. I’d love to say it changed in an instant when as a middle teen the Holy Spirit provided the answer to that infinite question of whether Christ was for real. Decades later, I am still working out who I am on many levels. That story won’t get the final edit until it’s over.

 In between, I went to college and joined not one, but two Christian groups, fell in love with the music, studying anything and everything, and the boy with the wispy blond mustache and highwater pants from one of the faith groups who prayed with me for John Denver’s soul. Seriously. We won’t know for a while if poor John received the benefit of our intervention. When the mustached boy didn’t run screaming after meeting my family for the first time when we got snowed in and ate turkey three days in a row, and his dad laughed in good humor when I dropped and broke dishes on the way from the table to the sink the first time I met his folks, I knew things would work out fine.
 Two grown up children and an odd assortment of grands—girls, boys, and kitties—later, life is full circle as our oldest son heeded the call to seminary and now serves as area director for the many branches of the campus faith organization his dad and I attended. Son number two followed in his father’s footsteps, attempting to encourage a better world through public education. “Love is not proud” is not an easy description to avoid when it comes to introducing family.

 Love has shown me all the attention I need has always surrounded me, filled me, poured out of me in ways I don’t have to control or manipulate, or understand. The Lord of life is in charge. My job is to leave behind a story that boasts only of God’s great mercy and grace exemplified in what He has done for me.

Check out Lisa’s contribution to Prism Book Group’s new Love Is series…

Everything About You
“Love is not proud…” 1 Corinthians: 13:4
She needs a movie set miracle, he needs cash...can a farmer morph into a movie star in five days? 

If Shelly has her way, Danny will become America’s next heartthrob and she’ll get her own promotions company. He’s already gorgeous, a little naive, and needs to work on that accent. To Danny, Shelly is on the pompous side, but holds the key to his real dreams...if he can figure out all the rules, say the right things for the daily vlog session, keep his heart strings in place, dodge Shelly’s vicious former boyfriend and the movie star diva. 

Shelly’s about to lose a lot more than her heart if she can’t get a handle on her wounded pride and learn who to trust.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Gay's Days Back Home

Good afternoon friends,

I couldn't believe the cold wind this morning and felt forced to bundle up before I walked. The bizarre thing is that I wore more clothes today than during the winter. Crazy.

Hubby and I returned from spring break last night, and I've got the 'don't want to do anything' syndrome. Does that happen to you?

We enjoyed a few days at our cabin, and then drove to Fort Worth to visit my sister and her husband. She prepared a delicious meal.


Mushroom steak, potatoes, green beans and banana pudding. I love home cooking, especially someone else's. I didn't take our picture or capture one of her meal, I wish I had. This one looks similar, and I like the recipe. Might try it sometime. Might not either. Do you enjoy preparing food?

After our visit with family, we drove to East Texas.

Delia and Gay
I met Delia Latham for the first time. Delia's my editor, and we correspond often. She also writes great books. Have you read any of Delia's?  Like me, she loves angels, and you'll find several of her stories have them. 

Product Details
2.99 on Amazon

Here's a book I really enjoyed (among the many, and it has a wonderful angel in it.
Two guys catching up.

Moving on to the lovely city of Tyler, We spent the night with long-time friends. We've known these wonderful people several decades...since we had babies....and now our kids are grown.

 Tyler, Texas is famous for the Azalea Tour and we drove the tour, even though it is a bit early, but we saw beautiful gardens. If you haven't been to Tyler during the spring, go.

While I was away, Clue into Kindness soared to number one on Amazon. It was free during those two days, and I was thrilled to see a number one in two different categories.  Did you get your copy?


2.99 on Amazon
Later, I've got more news, but the hour is late, and I've got a birthday party to attend. Glad it isn't mine!
Keep smiling!

Monday, March 14, 2016

Gay's Days Hot, Sunny Houston

Good Monday morning friends,

Daylight Saving Time began yesterday. Are you as confused as I am? Is that clock right or did it not get changed? Ugh. It is still dark outside. I awoke at the old time and realized I was late by the new time.

GRRRR. Why can't we leave it alone? Some states have opted out of it, and I wish Texas would.

We had a warm winter and now even warmer days are here. We expect to reach 90 degrees this afternoon. The fog cleared a little as I finished my two mile walk. I dread the heat to come.

I've got good news!  My book, Clue into Kindness, is free on Amazon today and tomorrow.  Here's the link.

Limited Time. Verify before purchase.
And guess what? I was the guest on several blogs last week.
I hope you'll visit these links. You'll learn something new about me and meet interesting authors: DiAne Gates, Victoris Pitts-Caine, and Carlene Havel.

Did you see my latest article in the Texas Hill Country magazine?  Here's the link.
Now that I've given you reading material, I'm heading to the closet to pack a few clothes.
I'm traveling  tomorrow on Bluebonnet filled roads and lanes.  Stay tuned for pictures!
I hope you'll go to Amazon for my free book, read the blogs listed above, as well as my article in the Texas Hill Country. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Gay's Days Print, Audio or eBook?

Image result for books
How many of you prefer a print book?

I love the feel of a print book in my hands. I buy them. I check them out of the library. Yellowed pages and the scent of old paper bring a sense of comfort and familiarity. If I buy a brand new book, I love the crisp pages and the joy of receiving a book no other reader has touched. I can keep my books or give them away.

How many of you prefer an eBook?

Reading on a device can be easier. I often slip mine into a handbag and read while I wait for appointments. You can read a lot of books and store them in a handy device. No bookshelf space needed.

Audio Books

Listening to a book while you take a long drive, or run errands can make the trip shorter and the traffic less burdensome. I love listening while I’m on the dreaded treadmill.

Did you know that the ebook gathers a great deal of information about our reading habits? That might be a disadvantage in more ways than one.  If I go to the library, select a book, read it, and then replace it on the shelf, I’ve read in privacy. No one knows what subject I’m interested in. If I buy a book, someone records the sale for the industry, but no one knows if I read it or not.

eBooks are different.  Electronic devices measure what we do.

1.     When we began the book.

2.     How many pages we read each time.

3.     If we reread a passage, or if we choose to highlight or look up a word.

4.     Pages we skip.

Readers of eBooks are part of a focus group. Marketers want to know our habits and preferences. What do they do with this knowledge? There may come a day when publishers pay for the information in order to tell writers what readers want. Or a publisher might use the info to make changes in an existing book and place it back on the market with a new cover and a new title.  

Even with the knowledge that unseen persons are following my habits, I’ll not give up my eBook. Most eBooks are cheaper than their counter part—the print, and I love taking one with me to appointments. Outdated magazines in offices are not interesting.

My book Clue into Kindness is now available in print. It is part of the Love Is Series from Prism Book Group. The publisher bundled the first three books (mine was number two) into a print collection, or if you prefer, you can purchase the three in one in an eBook as well.
Check us out on Amazon!

Monday, March 7, 2016

Living Our Faith Out Loud: Gay N Lewis and the newest Love Angel book

Lisa Lickel is an author and editor. I'm honored Lisa invited me to be on her blog. She is a talented lady and her website and blog are admirable. If you are an aspiring author, Lisa can help you. Thanks Lisa for having me.  I hope all of you will pop over to Lisa's site and read the interview.

Here's how it starts out.

Living Our Faith Out Loud: Gay N Lewis and the newest Love Angel book: Welcome back to Gay N Lewis, author of the Sarah books.

I love Gay's take on sweet, romantic love and forgiveness and getting the right kick once in a while to remind us of our priorities. Quite often similar characters will appear in her stories, but they are all stand alone books and don't have to be read in any particular order.
Gay's newest addition to the Sarah series is Sarah and a Date for MacKenzie. In this book, Sarah must find a boyfriend for a high school student while at the same time finding a companion for the teen’s mother.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Gay's Days. She's Back!

This time Sarah goes to high school. She's scared to death...that is if a holy angel can be scared to the point of demise.
She's never hung with kids before.
Teens have never experienced anything like her either.
Sarah plans to help Mackenzie find a date for the prom.
Uh-oh! What about the school bully?
That little old meanie? Poopty doopty! Sarah can fix him.
Three generations of women live together.
What about Mackenzie's teacher mom?
Oh yeah, Sarah can find a man for her too.
Then there's the grandmother. Must not leave her out.
Sarah's got her hands and wings loaded to the brim in this one.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Gay's Days. Rembering a Sermon

While on vacation last year, hubby and I visited Tallowood Baptist Church in Houston, TX.

Joshua Barrett preached a memorable sermon on March 15, 2015, and I'm sharing the link with you. As I listened on that day almost a year ago, I thought the sermon started off a bit slow, but as Joshua continued, his words grew into a storm that touched my heart. Stay tuned to the end and you will be blessed!

The Astonishing Jesus. 

Here's another reminder. Don't forget my two recently released books.

Clue into Kindness

Sarah and a Date for Mackenzie

My author page

PBG Insider: Gay N. Lewis Introduces her "Sarah" series

Sarah at Christmas