Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Live Till You Die

Burials come with huge price tags. Can you believe this? A funeral home raised prices and blamed it on the cost of living. If the cost of living is expensive, why is it so popular?

Staying alive is pricey, but no one wants to voluntarily climb into the casket or cremation oven.

Speaking of caskets, my brother-in-law officiated at the graveside for a funeral. He walked backwards as he led the casket processional. He read Psalms to the bereaved family. He was unaware he'd reached the final destination. When he fell into the casket's hole, he stopped reading and yelled, "Get me out of here, let me out, right now, get me out!

This same preacher, at another funeral, didn't check the direction of the wind. The family had asked him to scatter the beloved's ashes. When he emptied the urn, the grandma's ashes flew all over him. He coughed, sputtered, and brushed his clothes as if the devil himself was on him. The family was not impressed.

Another preacher, and this one isn't a relative, went with the family to bury ashes. He tells how a family member dropped the urn carrying the remains. The urn rolled down the hillside. The whole family, kit-and-caboodle, ran ran after the urn, yelling, "Get Grandma."

Children don't always understand funerals and who should be buried. A neighbor saw little Johnny digging a big hole. He asked, "What are you doing?  Huge eyes looked up and little Johnny replied, "I'm burying my goldfish."  The neighbor said, "That's a big hole for a tiny fish." Little Johnny replied, "I know, but my fish is inside your cat."


A verse penned by the Apostle Paul reminds us that we leave this life to live in a different place.

We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord. (2 Cor. 5:8)

Although our eternal home is far better than this present life, I prefer to stay here a lot longer.

I write books featuring faith and humor. You can see a total list on Amazon.

One of my books, Family Secrets is on sale at Smashwords, but you must go there to buy. 

Gay N. Lewis on Amazon


Thursday, July 15, 2021

Cherish the Moments

On Friday, February 26, 2021, Hubby and I experienced a few sweet seconds to cherish for a lifetime.

In a moment of clarity, Shelley, our daughter with dementia, clasped her hands in prayer mode. She said, "I want to tell y'all something. I really appreciate y'all taking care of me, and I love you."

 I cried.

Her sensible sentences are rare these days. I think she understands more than she can express. She says, "I love you" over and over when we see her. And we see that as true in her eyes.

I sing to her, "You Are My Sunshine" and she joins me. Her words aren't always there, but she can carry a tune. Once, we could harmonize together, but not these days.

She has no idea how much time and emotional effort goes into taking care of her.  And that's okay. Once a mom and dad, always a mom and dad, at least it is so with us. I suppose some people are not as fortunate as Shelley. Not all parents, (or children) continue to love and support a loved one with a disease.

In her former facility, the director told me how a resident had died. She tried calling the son for three months to tell him his mother had passed away. He never answered. He finally called one day to check on her and heard the news.

Shelley has family and friends who no longer want to see her.  They think it's scary to visit with her. It isn't scary, it is sad, but life requires us to do what we sometimes don't want to do. Go where we don't want to go. Sacrifice. 

There are residents living in her present facility who seldom have visitors. Can you imagine how these homes might be if no visitors ever darkened the doors? I fear abuse would be rampant.  Neglect is abuse. Too many times, I see a few aides sitting and doing nothing. When a visitor arrives, they hop up to do their job. However, many are caring and loving to the residents. I thank and compliment them, and I'm sincere. Just like us, they need encouragement. 

I once visited nursing homes to play hymns for the folks.  I'd go in unannounced (before the pandemic) and play.  I don't play all that well, but they don't care. They love the attention. My dad lived in one after a stroke, and I enjoyed playing for him and them. Every time I visited, the folks would see me and beg me to play for them.

I never dreamed I'd have a daughter in one.

These dear ones with dementia may not remember a visit from a loved one, but they cherish the moments a visitor spends with them. It brings one joy to brighten the lives, even if it is temporary for them.

Drop in a facility and visit a friend or loved one. They need it, and so do you.

Both of you will cherish the moments.

Family is important.

                                           Family Secrets: on sale.


Sunday, July 4, 2021

Update on Gay's Days: Two Ambulances, Three Hospitals.

 A month has galloped by since the incident with our daughter. 

A bruise on her face remains, but she is healing. She doesn't remember the incident--or the male resident who attacked her. Forgetting, in this case, is a blessing.

I reported the incident to the State of Texas in several recorded phone calls and via email. Inspectors spent two days at the facility and gave them ten days to make changes. I have no idea what happens after ten days, but we will see.

One of the good things is that everyone keeps an eye on our daughter.  Even the residents!  I saw Shelley wandering off one day, and a resident brought her back before I did. 

That week was a crazy one. Shelley's incident occurred on a Saturday. The following Wednesday, I took my hubby to the hospital for a day procedure. Then, on Friday, he became ill, and we hurried to the ER. The physician diagnosed him with pneumonia. I once more rode in an ambulance.

I feel like Job in the Old Testament. One surprise after another. And none of them were good or happy. Who could guess I'd be in two ambulances and three hospitals in one week.

Hubby is recovering, so that's a good thing.

I haven't intended to neglect my blog or my writing, but I've been busy helping with more important issues. I've missed all of you.

We don't know why God allows storms in our lives, but we trust Him. For individual and nations, God allows good and bad to take place. Perhaps He does so to bring about knowledge. Knowledge about Him, as well as ourselves. Perhaps He gives people and nations circumstances to generate repentance. He only allows us so much sin before He intervenes. Perhaps He plans glory to Himself. If we suffer well during ugly circumstances, others can see God. 

Who knows?  Not me, that's certain.

However, I believe this. When I can't understand the reasons for my pain and sorrow, I can trust His heart

Faith and Humor

PBG Insider: Gay N. Lewis Introduces her "Sarah" series

Sarah at Christmas