Sunday, December 24, 2023

Mary's Baby



Most mothers think their baby is the cutest, sweetest, and brightest baby ever born, and they believe their child will grow up to make a major contribution to the world.

If the mom holds athletics in her DNA, perhaps she dreams her baby will become another Tom Brady or a Michael Jordan. If the mom’s family is known for high IQs, she imagines her child will be another Einstein. But present-day mothers can merely hope and fantasize about their baby’s destiny.

The Virgin Mary knew with certainty that her baby was special. An angel told her.

When the angel, Gabriel, told the virgin Mary she would have a baby boy, Gabriel also told the terrified teenage mother-to-be that her baby would be the Son of the Most High, would rule over the house of Jacob, and His rule would have no end. Luke 1:30.

No need for an ultrasound here. Mary received a Divine Revelation.

What was in Mary’s DNA to make this baby special?

She belonged to the tribe of Judah.

Other than her ancestry, Scripture doesn’t divulge why she found favor with God.

Did Gabriel tell Mary her son would die on the cross? Nope.  He didn’t reveal that.

Did Gabriel say, “And by the way, your heart will break as you watch your son die.” Nope. He left that out.

Did ole Gabe tell her how to raise this special child? Nope, nary a word.

That little teenage girl knew she carried a special baby, but like all mothers, she didn’t know the future. She was a mere mortal, chosen to live an astonishing life as a parent to a normal baby who really wasn’t normal. He was an ordinary baby, with typical infant needs, but He was also the Son of God.

How did Mary parent Him?

With love, affection, and discipline. That’s what mothers do.

Sarah and a Texas Christmas


Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Children's Books

Have you shopped for any books for your kids lately? 

I stopped at the General Dollar store today. “It will be a quick shopping trip,” or so I thought to myself.

I found no children’s books anywhere in stock.  I asked the cashier about them. “No, we don’t carry them at this store.”

Odd, right?  They once did.  And it is Christmas, so why wouldn’t there be plenty around?

“Oh well,” I thought, “The CVS will have them. I’ll pick some up there.” Would you believe it? No books on shelves, either. The cashier had the same story.

Kroger’s Market was next on the list. Nope. Nada. Nothing.  Personnel said they don’t carry children’s books these days.

I knew Dr. Suess was disappearing from shelves, but what happened to other authors of children's books?

I suppose it’s easier for a store to cease carrying books rather than sift through which ones are culturally correct.

Folks, this is sad. Parents need to protest!

Nothing is sweeter than reading a book to a child.  They cuddle in your lap and look at pictures.

My grandson loved Clifford; it is long gone, and I wanted to buy another one.



I found a Clifford, the Big Red Dog book on Amazon, and I ordered it. Yay!  Amazon still has them.  They even have Dr. Suess!  But buy quick. No telling when Amazon will terminate them.

Books should be available. Parents can decide which ones are appropriate. 

NY Times

Friday, December 8, 2023

Christmas Comes too Soon!

 My Tree

Would you prefer Thanksgiving to come earlier than the third Thursday in November? 

If it did, we would have more time for Christmas! Retailers would love it. Extra weeks to sell their goodies, and extra hours for us to shop. Citizens would have added weeks to decorate and appreciate homes.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt tried a switcheroo. The depression was harsh on the country’s economy, so, FDR wanted to increase retail sales. In 1941, he suggested additional days between Thanksgiving and Christmas, however, Congress insisted on making the fourth Thursday in November the official holiday. So, unfortunately, Old FDR lost.

I visited a home this past week, and the Christmas décor was stunning.  The lady of the house spent days placing the items in every room. She will no sooner get them all out until she must take them down. That’s a lot of work for a short few weeks to relish the display.

People become frazzled at Christmas. We have too few hours and spend too much money.

As we all know, Christmas is not about gifts, Santa Claus, or family dinners. Sure, that’s part of it, and it is a wonderful part, but the real reason we celebrate Christmas is the baby in the manger.

The Fallen Angel doesn’t want us to focus on the Christ, the King, born as a baby, so Satan keeps us harried and hurried. I suspect Lucifer likes the short distance between Thanksgiving and Christmas.  He uses it to his advantage.

I once taught a group of kids who visited from another country.  Many of them had never heard the Bethlehem story.

Have you told the story to your kids? Don’t become so hassled with shopping, baking, and decorating that you ignore the why of the holiday.

Christmas is the birthday of the King.

Come to think of it, Thanksgiving is the beginning of the Christmas season. We thank God for blessings and the chief blessing is this: He sent His Son to us.

However, I’d like more time to express gratitude.

My Christmas Books

Sarah and a Texas Christmas

Sarah Helps Santa

Sunday, December 3, 2023




Has God rejected an issue of importance to you?

Most of us feel that He has at some point, and so we quote Romans 8:28 as we attempt to encourage ourselves.

 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose.

At times, that Scripture works. And then again, it doesn’t. Especially when rejection occurs time and again.

Well now, when the Scripture in Romans fails to do the job, we can turn to dear old Job and see what he does. That poor guy had his life twisted upside down, and his well-meaning friends added to his misery.

God was watching.

God was not intervening.

In fact, God gave Satan the okay-go ahead and do his thing.

Satan invented the happy dance, and he began a grand holiday. Lucifer removed everything but Job’s life, and since Satan made Job viciously sick, Job would have welcomed death.

God has His reasons to reject our needs, but what are they? I ran across an article written by Samuel (no last name) in 2022. Here are some reasons the writer gave for God’s rejection.

To Protect us.

 Lead us to Repentance.

For Redirection.

Focus on Jesus Christ.

Trust God More.

Build Character.

Keep us Humble.

Bring Sin to Our Attention.

Test Faith.

Which one of those reasons listed above makes you feel better?

If you are a naturally positive person, you’d simply say, “Thank you, Lord, for building my character and keeping me humble.” Then you’d forget about the rejection as you jumped into something else.

If you are a negative thinker, you might say, “Really, Lord? I’m already down and out, why do I need humility?”

We seldom learn why God does what He does in our lives, but rejection is real, and it is painful. It disappoints and triggers setbacks.

I have experienced God shaking His finger at me and hearing Him say, “No, no, no. That’s not going to happen. Move on.”

What is there to do when rejection happens? Keep going? Try harder? Work smarter?

Or give up?

There’s that too.

Remember what God told King David about building the temple? “You did well to have it in your heart to build a temple in my name.” I Kings 8:18. David must have been disappointed, but he continued to do what he could.

It appears there are times when desire and willingness rather than a failed attempt please God more than the work itself.

And that brings comfort.

PBG Insider: Gay N. Lewis Introduces her "Sarah" series

Sarah at Christmas