Tuesday, September 25, 2018

The Eyes Are Watching


I love books. I write books. 

Someone asked me yesterday what I do for fun. I replied, "Bungie jumping and sky diving."

I was kidding. No way would I try those adventurous things. My granddaughter does, and I often wonder whose DNA she inherited.

My hobby is reading. I treat myself to a cup of hot tea, an easy chair, and a book when night rolls around. 

I read a lot of eBooks now, but I prefer the real thing. I buy books, but the library is only three miles away. I like that. If I check out a book, don't like it, I can return it with no problem. And it didn't cost me money.

I worry about books.

What if they go away? What if libraries cease to exist?

I write fantasy and science fiction. My books are happy and never far out, but I read books that are. In 1949, when George Orwell penned the novel, 1984, the book was considered "far out."

Well, Big Brother is here. I use Google for my blog, and Google knows stuff about me I don't know. Weird, huh?

What if someday, the big eyes that watch us don't want us to read anything but their propaganda? What if they destroy our books? What if free thought is prohibited?

I suppose we'd have to return to the ancient storyteller. Before the written page, people handed down stories to the next generation, and sometimes, out of fear, the stories were whispered.

Love your books. Never take them for granted.

But read a happy one today.  Here's a suggestion. You can choose eBook or print. And you'll laugh at Sarah's antics.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Cover Up

Do you need a little bit of cover even on the hottest of night?

I do.

I need heavy cover or I can't sleep.  I might throw it off in the wee hours until I cool down, but then I grab it and put in right back on.

Perhaps this unnecessary phobia stems from my childhood. My Mom loved telling Peeping Tom stories.  We had no air conditioner, so widows were kept open. It was possible for anyone on the outside to look at you as you slept on the inside.

Why were these people called Peeping Toms?  Who knows? My guess is that the police caught a guy gazing into a window and discovered his name was Tom.

My windows are closed these days, but I still need the cover. A lot of it.  Hubby burns up next to me.

But he's also used to waking and finding odd things on top of me. Maybe it's an extra towel. Perhaps a pillow. But then again, he might see something really big. Like a sofa.

Do we relate? You got funny sleep habits to share?

  1. Faith and Humor
Good morning! I wrote this post last night when I couldn't sleep. I couldn't see either...typed it without glasses.  Boy! Did I find typos this morning. I think I corrected them all. Did you find any?  How did you sleep? Did you cover up? 

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Hope and Despair

The opposite of hope is despair. They can be closely related at times. Notice the space between the two signs? It's very small. One emotion travels in one direction, the other heads the reverse way, and too many times, one becomes the other.

When does hope turn to despair, or when does despair turn to hope?

Faith and optimism can do a 180 in a split second. 

My friend died two days ago by his own hand.

He'd always smiled. Laughed. Shared stories of faith and how he knew God would take him through hard times. Never once did he indicate to me he had doubts.

If anyone had known the event or thoughts that changed his mind direction, he could have been helped. He could have prevented this tragedy by confiding in someone.

Too often we don't share, and then it's too late.

If you are harboring dark, desperate thoughts and actions, seek help. Reach out to someone.

Just as despair came upon you, hope can too.  Depression and despair can also do a 180 in a split second. 

You are loved. You can find hope once more. Really. You can.

If you don't wish to share with loved ones or people who know you, call the Lifeline number.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Phone Number
  • 1-800-273-8255

Friday, September 14, 2018

Gay N. Lewis: Save Money Right Now

Gay N. Lewis: Save Money Right Now: Hi everyone, I wanted you to know my publisher has dropped the eBook price on Mattie's Choice from $4.99 to .99. It w...

Save Money Right Now

Hi everyone,

I wanted you to know my publisher has dropped the eBook price on Mattie's Choice from $4.99 to .99. It will be on sale for a few more days.  Mattie's Choice is a historical novel. Whew! Talk about research. I did a lot of it.  Mattie's Choice is not like my Sarah books. Sarah stories are happy and humorous.  Mattie's Choice deals with husband and wife relationships. Jesse, Mattie's husband, is a control freak.  Back in 1925, women were expected to live with emotional and physical abuse, and unfortunately, some expect women to live with it today. I wrote this book with the idea of helping the present day woman with such unhappy circumstances.

Please consider getting it. Read it, and suggest it to someone who might be in pain.  I'd appreciate it.

Free Stuff and Gay's Book, Mattie's Choice

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Abe and Martin


I had the privilege a few weeks ago to visit Kentucky, the birth place of Abraham Lincoln. The state is beautiful and full of historical significance. I'll tell you a bit about my adventure in days to come, but I saw this quote and wanted to share it.

Isn't Abraham Lincoln's statement an optimistic one?

Most Americans want our nation to be the best hope of earth, too. The sad thing is this: America is almost as divided now as it was in Abraham Lincoln's era.  Today, as in Abe's time, groups hold different ideas about how to make Lincoln's dream come true. 

Another great man, Martin Luther King, dreamed about racial equality and peace in America. Wouldn't it be ideal if the Lincoln and Martin aspirations were reality? 

Both men knew forgiveness and love were the keys to America's success. I feel certain they both prayed for that. During their time, they had no idea America would experience a 9/11.

Yesterday was a day Americans remember the terror attack on our country, but it seems patriotism, for a large number, has fallen from favor. Why? My guess is the hatred one party has for another as well as the growing racial divide. Two things Abe and Martin stood against. 

Patriotism is one expression all Americans should share.

Why can't we return to the dreams of Abe and Martin? 

By the way, do you know my book is on sale in a special promotion?  Check out Mattie's Choice here. Mattie's Choice is a historical novel. I write about the divide between men and women. Women have more rights now than in 1925. We've worked hard to acquire them. We're still working to acquire and keep them. The eBook is reduced to a mere .99. Mattie's Choice is available in print, too.  

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Angel Powers

Angels can physically perform what the Holy Spirit can't. 

Beg your pardon? How's that?

The Holy Spirit lives within a person. An angel does not. Angels exist outside human bodies in the natural and supernatural realm.

Angels are God's messengers. They deliver God's communication in a direct, corporal way.  For instance: the Angel Gabriel appeared and gave news to a stunned Mary. He said something like, "Fear not, you'll be the virgin mother of Jesus." Shocking news, right?

Gabriel later appeared to Joseph, Mary's intended, in a dream, and after the birth of Jesus, a body of angels filled the skies one night and announced the arrival of the Messiah to shepherds.

So, they can talk to us. Another role of angels is that of guardian.

People have reported seeing angels use their protective skills, as in the case of Elisha.

"And Elisha prayed, 'Open his eyes, Lord that he may see,' They the Lord opened the servants eyes and he looked ans saw the hill full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha."  NIV. 2 Kings 6:17.

Angels can work physical, mighty things that the Holy Spirit can't, but they aren't around all the time to give communication or protection. The Holy Spirit is! 

Upon an acceptance of Jesus, we begin a relationship with Him. He sends His Spirit to dwell within our soul. The Holy Spirit brings us evidence of our connection to Jesus.

The Holy Spirit takes up residence and never leaves us. His purpose is to lead, teach, comfort, and convict us of sin.  He also helps us pray. He knows God's language and speaks to Him in words we don't know. He interprets our thoughts and needs to the Father. 

I write about Sarah, an angel, sent to help and communicate with humans. She's a chaotic, bumbling, lovable misfit, and she relates well to mortals. She's funny and makes you laugh. Like all angels, she's limited.

Not so with the Holy Spirit.

I may not always have an angel nearby, after all, Sarah has others to help besides me, but I'll always have His Spirit with me.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

An Appetite for Books?

Do you love to read? 

People learn a great deal from the printed word. I know this personally. I've been known to keep my smart phone by my chair to look up geographical sites I read about...even in fiction books have exciting travel places. I often run across new places. Sometimes a new word, too. Books increase vocabulary.

There's a Christian book sale going on right now and I hope everyone takes advantage of it. For only a dollar, far less than a cup of coffee, you can buy a book. Many of these books have been $4.99, so at the rate of .99. you can purchase 5!  Now that's a bargain.  I've bought six so far and will buy more. I already had some of the books and I paid full price for them!  

Here's the site. I recommend them all.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Texas Might Be Weird

Texans are known worldwide for Stetson hats, cowboy boots, guns, pretty gals, and oil. All these things are normal for Texas.

But we can be rather weird too. 

There's a law on our books that states one must acknowledge the "existence of a Supreme Being." This statement is in the Texas Bill of Rights.  Most people, including Texans, find that odd.

Now anyone can claim a belief in a supreme being. I know lots of people who are superior in many ways to me, and I can claim belief in them. But alas, the Supreme Being mentioned in the Texas Bill of Rights is the One and Only...God.

The current Texas Bill of Rights was adopted in 1876. This one is our 7th Constitution and it's very long. Was God more popular in the 1800's than today? Hmm. Something to investigate and ponder. If the Texas Constitution was rewritten today, would that phrase be there? I doubt it.

If you don't believe in God, that's sad, but in truth, your belief won't keep you from holding office in Texas. The  US Constitution makes this clear.  Article VI contains a "No Religious Test Clause." And since the US Constitution is supreme to the Texas Constitution, Texas can't examine a prospective office holder about his or her belief in a Supreme Being.

One is greater than the other. Kinda like people. But there's only one God. And He really is the Greatest.

So.... back to Texas. Most of us Texans prefer our candidates to be believers in the One and Only. We like Bible-toting, God talking, church going folks.  But if the candidate is a lying non-believer in the real Supreme Being, he or she will one day discover their error. We'll probably vote them out of office. On the other hand, the One and Only might conk them on the head to get their attention. Yikes! That's a scary thought.

In the meantime, Texans continues on it our large, cumbersome, funny, odd way.  Hee Haw Y'all!

Hey y'all, don't forget my historical novel, Mattie's Choice is on sale for .99. Better get it now. It's about two families. One in Texas and one in Oklahoma.  Mattie's Choice is about 4 rows down on the Book Cave page. You'll find a plethora of books on sale for .99. Please buy MATTIE'S CHOICE! I'd appreciate it.

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Christian Book Sale

Who doesn't like free stuff?

How about book discounts?

Join author Gay N. Lewis in our #PelicanBookGiveaway. A bonanza of .99cent books including Mattie's Choice and 400.00 worth of amazing gifts. Enter to win. No purchase necessary. And browse our #ChristianBookBonanza! https://mybookcave.com/retailer-group/89b60601/ 

I've already bought enough of these 99 cent books to keep me reading for months. Why not? At .99, you can afford several. If you start reading one, don't like, it, no big deal. Just go to the next one.  When I go through the line at a big buffet, I select a bit of everything and place the dish on my plate. That way I can taste all the dishes. It's a great way to discover new treats. 

Here's the link again, don't miss it.  This is a great chance to read Mattie's Choice at a discount.

PBG Insider: Gay N. Lewis Introduces her "Sarah" series

Sarah at Christmas