Monday, April 20, 2020

Sunrise Tomorrow

"This is the day the Lord has made."

I think I'll ask Him to start over.

Ever feel like that?

Yes, me too.

The price of a barrel of oil dropped to $0 today. Many of us who are connected to it are sad and in trouble. 

Many jobs are lost.

And we're dealing with dear ole lady Corona. Will she ever go away?

We're all in lock down. No hugs. 

And yet, I know He has a plan and a purpose.

Trust Him.  

But let's ask Him for a better tomorrow. Okay?

Monday, April 13, 2020

Are We Having Fun Yet?

Boy! These Corona days drag on, don't they?

They've merged into one big blob for me. We've missed five Sundays at our church. That's a first, and when this thing ends, I hope it's the last time we miss consecutive weeks.

I've been locked down too long. I'm beginning to do wacky stuff.

I made banana pudding for Easter dessert and forgot to add the bananas. Vanilla is good, right? 

I made banana nut bread with the forgotten bananas. At the last minute, I remembered to add pecans. Whew!

I've washed my hands so much they look like red lobsters. 

I've gone out in public dressed weird.

One rude man giggled when he saw me.

Oh well. Life is like kinda creepy right now. sho' nuff!

I've read a lot of books. Some of them twice. I'm about to read one of my favorites for the fourth time. Aww shucks, it's probably the tenth time. I read it often.  You might like it too. Love Comes Softly by Jeanette Oke.  I like the Hallmark movie, too, but the book is better. Do you read books a second time?

If I like them, I do. I've read William J. Coughlin's In the Presence of Enemies three times. I've read Frank Peretti's book, This Present Darkness too many times to count. In a way, that book inspired my Sarah Series. 

I received a tremendous compliment recently. A reader wrote to me that she was reading my book, Mattie's Choice for the third time!  She said the book made her think about stuff, and she found something new each time she read it.

My publisher, Pelican Book Group, wrote me this morning that due to the virus, Amazon isn't delivering print to stores at the moment, but you can read about Mattie in an eBook.

Leave me a comment about what strange things you are doing. I'd love to hear from you.

Blessings during these Corona Days.  Stay well.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

The Day Before Easter

I'm always sad on Good Friday. 
It's the  Day of the Cross. The Day of Sorrow.

Today is Saturday.
Another sad day.

Tomorrow is Easter, the Day of Joy.

I have reasons for sadness today, other than the season.

Our daughter with dementia grows worse. The Corona Virus makes times harder for everyone, especially if you don't understand why, when, where, or what's going on.

We made the 100 mile round trip to drive with the Easter Parade at the assisted living facility last night.  The staff are amazing at how they've kept spirits alive and people entertained.  

We drove through several times. Many families did as well. We all honked and waved.  Here's a short movie.

I yelled and tried to be happy, but if you listen closely, you can hear tears in my voice.

I don't know how to edit the movie, so at the end, you can hear my hubby ask if I'm ready to leave. I wasn't. We went through once more.

Hope and Joy tomorrow.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Gay's Day in Corona Days

Greetings from Fulshea, Texas. The day is almost over. It's been cool and rainy. I even had the fireplace going.

Do your hands look like this?

We are told to wash them and not touch our faces.  

I'm beginning to think of a red lobster when I look at my hands. 

When Corona leaves, perhaps we will all continue this good habit of hygiene. If so, that will be a good thing.

What other good things can you think of to come from this time?

It's easy to come up with the bad stuff. Corona brought lots of evil. It's everywhere.  Good stuff and blessings? Not so much, but we have some.

God wants our attention. Does He have yours yet? He certainly has mine.  That's a good thing.

Models predict deaths will increase over the next few weeks. That's a major bad thing. 

Where will you spend eternity? Now is the time to think about your future destination. 

As someone once said, "We live in the land of the dying on the way to the land of the living."

Eternity exists. Like a baby leaving the womb and entering into this world, we leave this world to arrive at the next.

Babies don't want to leave the comfort of the womb, but the day comes, and mothers push them out into existence.

And the newborns love their new reality.

Because of Jesus' death on the cross, we can welcome our new reality in His presence when our time comes.

But let's not do it today. 

Corona, go away.

Friday, April 3, 2020

Gay's Days during Corona Days

Good morning from Fulshear, Texas

We started out at a pleasant 70 degrees. Rain is expected for the afternoon.

 Hubby and I went out for walks today, and we've been to the grocery store for items, but other than that, we are frozen in time inside the house.  

It's almost time for Passover. 

If Passover hadn't come first, we wouldn't have Resurrection Sunday. Better known as Easter. 

We will celebrate Easter at home.  Corona Virus is winning this round, but she won't be the ultimate champion.

I'm like the Hebrews in the Wilderness. I'm complaining a lot. I know God has got this, but I'm wishing He would hurry up and end it. Do you feel that way, too?

I feel sorry for the leaders.  President Trump, his task force, and the governors. They are all doing the best they can, but they are getting such grief over what they do. This crises is unprecedented.  Moses had a crises, too, and it was unprecedented. 

Moses, like our leaders, also faced a lot of opposition.  He must have wanted to quit many times, but he kept on doing the job. I felt sorry for the lady, Dr. Birx, at the news conference last night. She almost cried. She said she was around important people and she tried not to touch any surfaces. She was stressing how important it is to look out for each other. The enormity of responsibility for these leaders is horrific.

I wish the press would cut them some slack instead of finding fault.  President Trump is trying.

I think about the Wilderness Wanderings a lot these days. Especially since Passover is here. Approximately 3 million Hebrews left Egypt and seemed to rely more on Moses than they did God as they journeyed, and God wanted them to look toward Him and not Moses. 

Moses had one headache after another, and scores of people didn't like him and railed against him. He was an admirable man. 

Chronicles 7:14 says, "If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." NIV translation.  God uses the government and leaders. I'm praying that they do the right thing for all of us.  This virus is of Biblical proportions.

God will send the rainbows at the end of this crises. Keep the faith.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Gay's Days during the Corona Days.

Good morning from Fulshear, Texas. We began the day with a cool, but humid 60 degrees, and we'll climb up to 80 before the day is done. Overcast skies are promised along with the normal humidity.

At this time of year, Texans and out-of-state visitors enjoy exploring hillsides filled with our state flower, the Bluebonnet.

Bluebonnets in the Texas Hill Country.

There won't be as many travelers this year, but if you go to the fields of blue, take a picnic lunch and eat it in the car. You'll find few restaurants open in the small towns you go through, but if you run across one, you must order take out and consume it in another spot. Picnics can be fun. The main thing is to stay away from sneaky snakes crawling on the ground and the devious Corona Virus lurking in the air.

My gym fitness classes are canceled due to that ugly lady, Corona, and I'll miss yoga today. Those stretches bring relief to tension, and who doesn't have mountains of that these days?

I may try poses some at home, and I'll take a walk later. I've gained three pounds since the beginning of isolation. I've spoken to others who share the problem. Inactivity and added pounds. I saw my neighbor recently, and we yelled to each other as we stood about 18 feet apart. (The docs recommend 6 feet, but we're extra cautious) She said, "I'm gonna be a fat, alcoholic before this thing is over."  She was kidding about the alcohol part. At least, I hope she was.

A friend texted me today. She said, "I wish staying at home would flatten my belly the way it's supposed to flatten the Virus curve!  Don't we all wish that? At least we could give old Corona kudos for that. She's certainly not good for anything else. She's a killer, and I wish she'd return to that hot, dark, place. You know the one I mean--Satan lives there.

Okay, back to yoga.

My least favorite pose is the one pictured above. I think it's called the Down Dog. It makes me nauseous to turn my tummy upside down. I won't be doing this one if I do them today.

Here's my favorite pose, and I love this one. It's real easy to do. I'll hold this pose a long time.

You know I'm kidding about the last yoga pose, right?

What do you dislike most about the isolation/quarantine? Here's a few on my list.

1. No Fitness classes.
2. My hubby at home and telling me how to keep house.
3. No Church.
4. Not being able to see our daughter who lives in assisted living.
5. Cooking and planning meals.

What do I like?

1. Reading books.
2. Reading books.
3. Reading books
4. Reading books.
5. Reading books.

I'm going to spend the day checking on friends. We are all suffering in some way or other. People are dying, and situations are mind blowing.

We're facing disease while other stuff goes on too. Stuff like divorce, financial difficulty, loss of jobs, to name a few. Our Bible Study lesson last week was from Romans 5. 

Romans 5:7-8  "Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates  His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."  NIV.

Right now, many of our medical personnel are dying as they try to save us from the ungodly Corona Virus. They are exposing themselves to death, and many are succumbing to the disease. 

Yet, in spite of the risk, they are doing their best to save us from the deadly virus. I hope they are successful, and I hope they live to talk about it. They might be dying to rescue a few, but here's the thing. Jesus died for all of us. 

Did we deserve it? NO! We don't deserve His great love, but He freely gives it. I'm hoping more and more people will come to know Him. In times like these, we need Him.

God bless you. Check in with me tomorrow. I'll give you a weather report and an update from Texas.

In the meantime, read some good books. I have a few on Amazon.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Gay's Days during these Corona Days

Good morning from Fulshear, Texas. The day started out with a cool temperature of 48 degrees. As I write this, it's 66 degrees and sunny. We should top out at a warm 77 degrees later today.

Hubby has a telephone visit with his doctor later today. I had a video chat with mine on Monday. We'll go pick up meds at the drive-through and eat a Chic-fe-la sandwich in the car for lunch a bit later. Getting used to the new normal is a challenge.

Christy, Shelley, Lanissa

The last time I visited our daughter in her assisted living facility was February 27. Our daughter from Kentucky was here, and the family trekked over to see Shelley, the one living at The Oaks in Columbus. Our three daughters are in the picture above. Shelley, the daughter with dementia, is in the center. Lanissa, our Kentucky daughter, is the tallest one, and Christy rounds out the trio. We have beautiful daughters. I sometimes write about Dementia, and it's a topic on my website.

Corona was taking place at the time we visited in February, but the old girl wasn't invading America like today. Rapid changes take place these days.  

Just a few notes to catch up.

I kept a dental appointment on March 2 and an interior design on March 6. I was helping a neighbor design her living room. She bought furniture, but now, all design work is halted. In fact, in a matter of short weeks, the whole world stopped normal proceedings.

Hubby and I had planned to take an Amtrak train trip to New Orleans on March 10. It's providential that we canceled it. That interesting city has a huge outbreak of the virus.

The Covid-19 outbreak is altering the world.

I went to the store on March 11 with gloves on. No one looked at me as if I were odd. By the end of March, which was yesterday, if people visit stores at all, many wear masks as well as gloves. Numbers of folks order on online to keep from getting out.

 Gay N. Lewis on March 11,2020

Today is the first of April. No one wants to play an April Fool's joke, but people are trying to laugh as we can.

We've missed three church services in a row. This is sad for my preacher hubby and our members. If I'd taught my Bible study last Sunday, it would have been from Romans 5. These lessons were designed more than a year ago, and last Sunday was titled, "Peace in Hard Times." Wow! Talk about appropriate.  I videotaped a short lesson, and if I can figure out how to post it, I will. Technology and I have a mutual dislike for each other.

Romans 5: 3-5 says, "...we rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance, perseverance, character, and character, hope."

The outcome of affliction, which we are experiencing now, should bring us no anger, resentment, and no desire to give up. We should not fall away in despair, but keep our hope and faith. When the time is right, God will take away the Corona Virus, and because of our endurance, we will have developed faith, hope, and character.

Check in tomorrow for Gay's Days here in Fulshear, Texas. In the meantime, read some good books. I think you'd like mine. You'll find them at the link below.

PBG Insider: Gay N. Lewis Introduces her "Sarah" series

Sarah at Christmas