Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Gay's Days - Romantic Getaways

January 13, 2016

Good morning friends,

Another cold morning, but the weather guy assures us we will have a warm afternoon. The sun shines and the day promises beauty.

We had visitors last night, so Mexican food was on our agenda. I was determined not to eat too much—but you know how that goes. My plans went out the window when the first basket of chips arrived.  Did you start a diet with the New Year? I did. Ha. Ha. Ha. Blew it last night.

I have another article published today in the Texas Hill Country online magazine. I wrote about romantic getaways. Check it out. Texas Hill Country Magazine is a great resource for planning trips.
The lovely inn I wrote about is located in Kyle, Texas, and I want to go there. Valentine’s Day is coming. Good idea, don’t you think? 

My latest Sarah book will be released on March 4. My bumbling angel is at it again. This time she makes goofy things happen in a high school.  She even sat through an algebra class. Who uses that stuff? Believe me, Sarah has no use for it. It's available for pre-order now.
2.99 on Amazon

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