Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Cruise Your Troubles Away

enjoy cruises. Have you ever been on one? If you haven't, I hope you can go one of these days.

The first cruise I ever went on, I went by myself.  Yes, that's right, alone, me, without hubby.

I boarded a flight in Houston, flew to Los Angeles, and boarded a Royal Caribbean ship headed to Mexico. One of the excursions was Catalina Island.

So now you know how the book, Sarah and a Midnight Cruise to Catalina Island came about.

Carolyn, the heroine in the book, must go alone. She works in a retail establishment, and no vacations are allowed after September 1.  

At the time, so did I.

Carolyn's dad dies, and her vacation plans change. She must go alone or not at all.

True. Same as me.

When Carolyn arrives in LA, the airline reports her luggage went to Dallas.  They assure Carolyn they will get her bags on the ship.

Yep. That actually happened.

Authors often write from personal experiences. This book is one of those.

We'd buried my dad three weeks earlier and my life felt out of control.  Hubby couldn't go with me, and I needed a time out.

Sure, I was a bit scared to take this adventure, but it turned into a serendipity experience.

The small, organized stateroom was perfect for me. Everything had a place. The tiny room was peaceful. It was totally the opposite of my current, chaotic, life.

At a time when I couldn't put my life together, it was wonderful to have someone who could.  The ship's personnel did their job, and as they did so, they comforted a bereaved woman.  

I wonder how many times we go through life doing our job, and unknowingly bring solace and help to a hurting soul?

It takes a mere smile and a happy greeting to turn someone's dark moment into a brighter one.

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