Sunday, December 21, 2014

Gay's Days, December 21, 2014. A Letter from Heaven

Angels Remember Christmas


Dear Gay,       

            As I write this note, angels up here in The Heavenlies are recalling the night Jesus was born.  I wasn’t one who made an appearance two thousand years ago, but the heavens are abuzz with recollections from those who did. Watching the humans celebrate the most important birth ever known to mankind brings jubilation among us, and Jesus especially beams His approval. 

            Angels had a lot to do with the natal miracle. Zacharias received a visit from one of us. So did Mary—and then one materialized also to Joseph in a dream.  The heavenly messengers delivered the news to these favored people that Jesus was coming to earth as a baby. This news must have been a shocker to all of them, especially Mary and Joseph, but my favorite part of the story is the shepherds.

            Anna, my friend, was among those who appeared to the sheep caretakers on the hillside. With her beautiful soprano voice, she can make the heavens resonate. As gifted as she is, Maestro Superior nonetheless rehearsed her and the angelic choir for a long time.  Now mind you, we really don’t have time pieces or calendars up here, so I can’t tell you how much they prepared, but it was regularly.  Their scheduled performance was one of utmost importance.

            Everyone residing in The Heavenlies knew Jesus was to leave His glory and be born human. And yet, He would remain God.  Amazing, isn’t it?  No one had ever done that before, and no one ever will again.

            Anna told me how terrified the shepherds were when the angelic host appeared.  One of our angel rules is that we don’t panic humans, but it was necessary that night. Right?  The angels had the divine appointment to announce the birth of the Messiah.  Wow!  Can you imagine?  Every angel up here wanted to be in that group, but the Father selected only a few.

            The shepherds reacted just as expected—they went to Bethlehem to see the miracle. How thoughtful of the Father! He gave the good news first to a labor force considered a lowly profession by others.   The Father is awesome when He does things such as that, and He does them continually—for angels and humans.

            The guys who took care of sheep had nothing of monetary value to give the Christ Child. Wise men from the east brought expensive presents later. But as you know, the Father only wants the gift of love for His Son.  That’s the perfect gift, and it is one each of us—human or angel can give. The Shepherds gave the Christ Child their heart that night.

            One reason I enjoy the shepherd’s part so much is that they didn’t allow insecurity to interfere with their opportunity. They worried not about inferior clothing, lack of funds, absence of education and prominence. Ignoring human prejudice, they went to Bethlehem. I wish you could hear them right now talking about that glorious night—even though they have resided in The Heavenlies for many earthly years, they never tire of telling the story. Do humans take the story for granted? I hope not.

            Well, Gay, I must go.  We have a huge birthday celebration planned, and I don’t want to miss it. All residents of The Heavenlies wish a blessed Christmas and Holy Days for each of you.  For many of our recent arrivals, this is their first Christmas up here. Their eyes are filled with wonder, and although it was good for them down there, they love their new home and the miracle of Christmas from a fresh perspective. I’ll return to your wonderful planet in the year numbered 2015. Maybe the Majesty of Heaven will allow me to see all the humans I’ve helped to connect.  I’d love to check in on Tom, Marcy, and sweet Hope. They were my first assignment. Oh! And I can’t forget the others. Especially little Mandy.  She was my last mission. I’m told this next year I’ll be on a cruise to Mexico. Oh horrors! I dread the ocean.

 Love and blessings,
Sarah: A Mission of Love.   2.99
Sarah: Laney's Angel            3.99
Sarah and the Widow's Mate  .99
Sarah and the Internet Dating Service  .99
Sarah and the Scary Ferris Wheel  .99
Sarah and a Dad for Mandy  .99
Sarah and Three Times a Charm  2.99



Thursday, December 11, 2014

Gay's Days December 11, 2014

When I wrote the novella, Sarah and the Internet Dating Service, I needed help.  Lots of help. I've never met or needed to meet anyone on a dating service.
When I married, dating services didn't exist, but several family members encountered mates on one in later years. Two daughters are happily married via a service, and my nephew, James Heffington Jr. and his lovely wife Kim also fall into that category.
At the time of their introduction, James lived in Bryan, Texas, and he was pastor of a local Baptist Church while his future intended, Kim, worked in Dallas. Both had attended Baylor University in Waco in earlier years, but they hadn't run across each other during those days. 
When they connected through the convenience of cyber space, they each drove to Waco for the first date. And as they say, 'the rest is history.'
When I wanted information about how a Internet Dating Service worked, I called James and Kim. They graciously shared their experience with me, and I'm grateful they did. Sarah and the Internet Dating Service is one of the three novellas bundled into Sarah and Three Times a Charm. Many have written to say how much they enjoy the story of Sarah connecting a couple with the aid of a computer. Lives touch other lives, and we all hope God is blessed by our efforts.
Here's pictures of James and Kim on their happy wedding day.
James and Kim now have two sweet children. A son who looks like his handsome dad, and a daughter who is a carbon copy of her beautiful mom.
You'll find an acknowledgment to James and Kim in this book.
2.99 on Amazon Kindle and $11.23 in print
All my books are available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, as well as other on line stores. If you don't find the printed books in your local bookstore, ask them to order it for you.
From the Acknowledgment Page
Since I’ve been married for eons, I have never personally experienced an Internet Dating Service. My nephew and his wife walked me through the process. They found each other on one and sing the praises of such sites. James and Kim Heffington Jr, thank you for the help. I couldn’t have written Sarah and the Internet Dating Service without your familiarity of such things. James, Kim, and their two children live in the Dallas Fort Worth area, and James is pastor of the Harwood Terrace Baptist Church in Bedford, Texas. You can find them on Facebook, and check out their Simple Christian Living page on Facebook.
If you prefer to purchase the novella, Sarah and the Internet Dating Service,
 it's only available on Kindle.
.99 on Amazon
Oh! And by the way, my Christmas novel is on sale at Amazon for .99 too!
.99 on Amazon

Friday, December 5, 2014

Gay's Days "Heartwarming .99 cent Holiday Ebooks."

Posted: 02 Dec 2014 11:15 AM PST
Heartwarming 99 cent holiday eBooks from Prism Book Group!
Widow Beth Marsh is not only beautiful, but wealthy enough to buy a third-world country. When she enters the dating arena to find companionship, two men profess an interest in her…but is it Beth they want, or are they out to get her money?
Watching from the Heavenlies, the Superiors dispatch Heaven’s Little Love Angel to Houston during the Christmas holidays. Sarah’s mission is to help the lady determine which of her suitors is the genuine article. Is black-haired Bryan Wingate the real deal? Or is good-looking Charles Chadwick the more earnest suitor?
When Beth invites human-disguised Sarah to attend a wedding, the delighted angel looks forward to an opportunity to wear a beautiful formal gown, and maybe—at long last—red stilettos! But Sarah’s mission becomes deadly serious when she discovers Beth’s life is in danger. If Sarah fails in her mission, Tomas, the Warrior Angel, will intercede. Determined to keep her human charge safe from gold diggers and save Tomas the trouble, the little love angel steps up her efforts.
But Sarah wouldn’t be Sarah without a few bungles along the way…
Only 99 cents on Amazon!
For the true magic of Christmas cannot be found in a wrapped gift under the tree…
Three touching stories of Christmas blessings to warm the heart, including:
Three Gifts
On Christmas morning, Jack receives three precious gifts of the heart, three gifts that open his eyes to the tender grace of true love.
The Christmas Answer
When Donna volunteers on a mission trip, she is forced to reexamine her life, her marriage, and most importantly, her faith. Donna soon discovers the one thing she had been missing all her life.
A Sharecropper Christmas
The Great Depression left the Shoemaker family hungry and homeless. Alice makes the best of the hard times without complaint, though she dreams of giving her little family a special Christmas.
Note: The Christmas stories contained in this anthology are each published separately as novellas. We are offering them as a bundle book for readers who would like a deal on all three, or to have them in print.
SUPER DEAL! Only 99 cents on Amazon!
What kind of Christmas will her children have?
The Great Depression left the Shoemaker family hungry and homeless. Their desperate prayers are finally answered when Henry Shoemaker finds work as a sharecropper. Alice makes the best of the hard times without complaint, though she dreams of giving her little family a special Christmas.
Only 99 cents on Amazon!
Despite outward appearances, life was not a fairy tale for gospel singer Donna Dubois. Struggling with depression, loneliness, and uncertainty in her marriage, she reluctantly agrees to go on a holiday missionary trip to the Appalachian Mountains of Kentucky.
During her stay, she is assigned to live with the widow Sara Cagle. Taking notice of Sara’s perseverance, Donna soon begins to relax and actually enjoy herself.
When misfortune strikes Sara, Donna is forced to reexamine her life, her marriage, and most importantly, her faith. Taking over for Sara, Donna soon discovers the one thing she had been missing all her life—The Christmas Answer.
The Christmas Answer is an inspirational story that will make you realize that God’s plan is always laid out, even when you seem distant from him.
Only 99 cents on Amazon!
Mary Jones is recently widowed and lonely…very lonely. Although the people of the small town of River Oak, Tennessee, call her Grandmother Jones with much affection, Mary yearns for the family she was never blessed with.
When a stranger named Teresa appears on her doorstep with her four-year-old child, claiming to be the daughter of her deceased husband, Mary’s world is forever changed.
Even though Mary suspects Teresa is hiding a terrible secret, she takes her newfound stepdaughter underwing, determined to help her. Soon, the young woman garners the attention of Tom, the single and very handsome sheriff of the town, and Mary can’t help but play matchmaker.
When Teresa’s daughter is kidnapped by her dangerous ex-husband, Mary and Teresa are forced to rely on the young sheriff, each other, and more importantly, God. Will Teresa’s daughter be rescued? Will Mary receive a special Christmas gift this year—the one thing she has always wanted in her life?
A Christmas Gift for Mary Jones is an inspirational story of faith, family, and love.
Only 99 cents on Amazon!
Tall, tanned, dark, and delicious? More like former fiancé!
The stud muffin headed in the direction of Claire Water’s newly opened chocolate shop is none other than the doctor she once dated–and he’s rattling the skeletons in her closet every step of the way.
For Claire has a secret—a six-year old, blonde-haired, blue-eyed little girl of a secret—and Burke Harlow has questions. Lots of them, the kind that poke too deep and hit hard too hard, for those pesky old feelings between them aren’t finished yet. Not by a secret baby mile…
Only 99 cents on Amazon!
Widow Celina Innes, a dress shop owner in the small 1886 mining town of Aspen, Colorado, struggles to run her shop and live down her late husband’s bad choices for the sake of her four-year old daughter, Keena. She made the mistake of following after one man’s dream of striking it rich and has sworn not to do it again. Co-owner of Toussaint’s General Store, Mikel, watches this proud woman run a successful business but wishes he could make her life a little easier. He has to be contented by slipping treats to the child in hopes of pleasing her mama. When illness strikes the child, Celina turns to Mikel for help and they work together all night to get past the crisis, deepening their friendship. But when the crisis is over, Mikel
disappears from Aspen and Celina learns he is seeking to increase his stores. How could she have been so wrong about the man? Can a woman sworn to put down roots and a man looking for more riches find happiness?
Only 99 cents on Amazon!
Molly Hanson knows that the Lord has sent her a good, loving man and that marriage is the next step.  But her fiancé won’t set a date until he’s landed a steady job, and that’s not easy in today’s economy.
Raised by his grandmother, Jack Stewart can’t imagine abandoning her.  He not only loves his grandmother, he feels responsible for her care now that her health is failing.  But if he doesn’t find a good-paying job soon, he may be forced to choose between life with Molly and life as a dutiful grandson.
On Christmas morning, Jack receives three precious gifts of the heart, three gifts that open his eyes to the tender grace of true love.
Only 99 cents on Amazon!

What’s worse than being stranded in a small town in northern Wisconsin? Being stranded during the worst winter in recent memory. Claudia Alexander’s problems are piling up faster than the snow on Lake Superior’s shore. Her noble mission to find the owner of an old pocket watch is complicated by incessant snowstorms, a mysterious vandal and the appearance of an old flame. The local dogcatcher, a blind street preacher and an arthritic bloodhound come to Claudia’s aid. A promising romance warms up even as the temperatures drop. But something evil is at work in Barley. As another blizzard approaches, so does a killer. Claudia must choose between her mission and saving the lives of the people she has come to love. Even if it means losing her own.
Only 99 cents on Amazon!
Posted: 01 Dec 2014 10:00 PM PST

A bundle deal from author Gay N. Lewis, now available in print and eBook!


A collection of three “Sarah” novellas by Gay N. Lewis.

Sarah and the Internet Dating Service
For her next mission to earth, The Superiors assign Sarah a challenging assignment—spur a romantic relationship between Karen Newton and Jeremy Spencer…through the Internet!
Sarah and the Scary Ferris Wheel
Sarah is given a new mission—to link Robert Johnson and Brittany Lee—two people she encountered while trying to bring a couple together on that irksome computer Internet dating service. Oh sure, she’d done it. Not without trial and a lot of error, but with this fresh assignment, trouble would come…she was positive.
Sarah and a Dad for Mandy
With simple instructions to find a mate for Galena Maddox and a dad for six-year-old Mandy, Sarah should have no problem, right? Well, except that dyslexic Sarah—known for bungles and goof-ups—creates more mayhem than she ever imagined possible.

Available now on Amazon!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Gay's Days "The Forgotten Princess of Elmetia"

Recently I was selected by Rachel A. James to answer four questions about my work in progress, and I’m happy to do that, but first, I want to introduce you to Rachel.

Rachel is a newly signed author with Prism Book Group, and her first novel to be published by Prism Book Group is The Forgotten Princess of Elmetia.


I’ve read the book and loved it. To be honest, I didn’t expect to enjoy it as much as I did. My normal selections for romance don’t include medieval times, but I’m happy I made an exception with this book. I naturally love Christian stories, and this one doesn’t disappoint. Even the war scenes that take place or tastefully done—a feat every Christian author finds daunting.
The short blurb that appears on Amazon says this. “It is 616AD, and one fatal night the ancient Kingdom of Elmetia falls. Saxons kill the Elmetian King, and capture Princess Teagen.
Teagen poses as a slave girl and works for the Saxons in the Kingdom of Deira, until she discovers her brother is alive. She finds a way to escape, and her path crosses with Ryce the Warrior.

Struggling with his past and angry against the tyrant Saxon king, Ryce helps the princess in pursuit of her brother. But just as the connection between them intensifies, obstacles get in their way. The Saxon king now wants vengeance, and will stop at nothing to get it.”

What the blurb doesn’t tell you is that Princess Teagen is a mere child when her father is killed. This child changes garments with a peasant to conceal her identity. When the Saxons find the dead child clothed in sumptuous garments, they assume they’ve killed the princess.  The story takes us through the harrowing experiences of Taegen’s rags to riches.

Here’s a few reviews left on Amazon.
Niccie wrote:

A wonderful book of loss, family love and true identity and future destiny restored! Rachel A. James is a talented new author who captures every detail of an ancient era, and brings it to life for the present day reader. Rachel's style of writing draws you deep into the complex world of Teagen, a Princess living captured in a world far removed from her royal position; while carefully guiding you through the plot. The author's ability to provoke emotion, helps you to become immediately connected to the characters and their individual journey's. I couldn't wait to read on!

Susan M. Baganz had the following to say:

 “I was amazed at the amount of research this author put into her story and I believe that women, young and old will enjoy the tale of this Princess and her struggle not only for freedom for her and her people, but also for her own identity and for love, will grip the heart of any princess-tale loving little girl who still lives in many women.  I look forward to reading the sequel when it comes out next year!

 Elizabeth wrote these words:

“I really enjoyed reading 'The Forgotten Princess of Elmetia'. It had the perfect balance of romance and action with the story taking place in a fascinating historical setting. The characters were diverse and interesting, I really became engrossed in the book and enjoyed reading every chapter.

A.E. Sellers read and reviewed the book this way:

“This isn't the type of novel that I would normally read so I was unsure as to how I would get on with it. However, I was very pleasantly surprised! I quickly warmed to the main character of Teagan, who, having endured tragedy in her life, takes the reader on a journey of hope, faith and love. Warrior Ryce, the hero of the story, struggles with his past actions and when his past and present collide he has some important decision making to do.Well done Rachel A. James on you first novel, I look forward to reading the next!”

Ms. James continues to write and now works on The Forgotten Princess of Elmetia,  The Last Princess of Meigen, and a third novel, The Secret Princess of Lindes.

I believe we will enjoy these princess stories. Ms. James loves Christian romance and history, and the two make a wonderful combination

 Author Rachel A. James
You can find more information about Rachel on her blog.
 Sarah and the Midnight Cruise to Catalina Island
Rachel challenged me to four questions.

What are you working on?

Sarah is out in the middle of the Pacific, on a boat, and she’s worried she can’t swim. She’s afraid if the boat sinks, she'll drown.  She doesn’t know if angels can swim…something she neglected to learn before undertaking this mission.  And what do to do with soggy wings?  What if she has a Jonah experience? This thought gives another cause for worry. While on earth, she’s often a klutz and doesn’t know how to attend to mortal things. Sarah has united men and women before, but this time she is given a challenge. An evil spirit dogs her wings and she has enough problems without the wicked one throwing new dilemmas her way.

How does my work differ from others of its genre?
I write fantasy from an angel’s point of view.  We view the situations through Sarah's eyes.

Why do I write what I do?

My angel series gives me an opportunity to express humor and teach Christian concepts in an entertaining way.

How does my writing process work?
Ideas come to me and I sit down at the computer and begin. Many of the characters show up in each Sarah book.  Mother Goodness, Celeste, Tomas and Christian usually make an appearance, and I enjoy bringing them into the mix.
Prism Book Group has now released these three novellas are featured in one book.
Sarah and the Internet Dating Service
Sarah and the Scary Ferris Wheel
Sarah and a Dad for Mandy
For your convenience, you can now read all three interdependent novellas under one cover.
Sarah & Three Times a Charm
 Many reader prefer paperback, and the publisher decided to bundle these three novellas into one book and make it available in paperback.  I prefer a “real book” myself.  You can find my other books in print, and two of my books are available in audio. Sarah a Mission of Love, and Sarah: Laney's Angel.

Now I’m challenging Claire Sanders to tell us about her work in progress. You can find her answers on her FB page.

Claire Sanders has written several books, and I like them all. One of my favorites is A Thousand Little Blessings.
 Product Details

Henrietta Davis wants to please her father. It’s no secret Henry Davis had hoped for a son who would one day assume his position as president of Davis Bank and Trust, so after graduating from college, Etta returns to her home in Burnet, Texas to work as her father’s unpaid assistant. But try as she might, she cannot live up to her father’s expectations. It’s 1919, and a woman can’t become president of a bank.

But then tragedy befalls. Uncertain and grief-stricken, Henrietta Davis must find the courage to take over her father’s position as bank president and find the embezzler who is slowly ruining her family’s business and good name.  

Here's the review I left on Amazon.

"I neglected sleep. I ignored chores. "Just one more chapter," I'd promise myself. I needed to find out what happened to Etta and Gabriel. They were right for each other, but she had a bank to run and a thief to find. He needed to forgive himself for the atrocities of war he'd endured at the battle at St. Etienne in France in WWI. This book, set in 1919, has tidbits of history that will fascinate you. I found out why a truck is called a pickup, and the high, dangerous speed of the day was forty miles an hour! You will enjoy this book. Claire Sanders did a good job telling this story. The plots and subplots are woven together in an entertaining fashion."



Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Gay's Days November 26, 2014

I was so thrilled to see this brand new review and just had to share.

Drue's Random Chatter's Reviews

           REVIEW – Sarah & a Dad for Mandy by Gay N Lewis

Book Title - Sarah & a Dad for Mandy
Author -
Gay N Lewis  

Stars - 4
Buy Link – AMAZON
The Superiors left Sarah, “Heaven’s Little Love Angel,” on Earth to complete the third
consecutive and interrelated mission. With simple instructions to find a mate for Galena Maddox and a dad for six-year-old Mandy, Sarah should have no problem, right? Well, except that dyslexic Sarah—known for bungles and goof-ups—creates more mayhem than she ever imagined possible. Pesky human disguises cause her trouble—again. In mortal form, she either injures people or embarrasses herself. Now the earthlings think she’s a fugitive from a mental hospital.
With Galena’s shady past, will Matt Austin, a minister, even consider her as a wife? And
will Matt’s hoity-toity church accept Galena if Sarah successfully brings them together? Angels shouldn’t worry, but the task is daunting.
A wedding featuring the love interests from Sarah and the Internet Dating Service just
might provide the magical atmosphere necessarily to bring Galena and Matt together.
Sarah and a Dad for Mandy by Gay N. Lewis had me smiling throughout the whole book. We always think of angels as perfect beings. Sarah gives us the gift of humor through her blunders as she works to bring a couple together. This is a sweet Christian romance that will no doubt make your heart smile. Mandy is such a delightful little girl with her outspoken ways.
 I give this book 4 stars. I now wish that I had the rest of the series because even though I read many different genres of books, this series is one that helps shake away the blues.
Deborah gives Sarah & a Dad for Mandy

This book has an Amazon rating of 5 out of 5 stars and is currently .99

I also want to share additional news I discovered this morning.  The publisher has reduced Sarah and the Widow's Mate.  It normally sells for 3.99, but as of today, it's only .99.  I have no idea how long the sale will last.  Both these books are bargain prices.  If you don't have one of these eBooks yet, now is a good time at these prices.

Sarah and the Widow's Mate has an Amazon rating of 5 out of 5 stars!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Gay's Days, November 24, 2014 Ready for Thanksgiving.

We held a meet and greet for the new neighbors last week, and I forgot to take pictures!  Oh well. The camera was on my list, but between welcoming guests and making sure people had cake and coffee, I forgot to take photos of the visitors.

I decorated the house for Thanksgiving and thought you might want to see a few places in my house.

The rule of thumb in decorating is to group in odd numbers and keep scale in mind. If the space is tall, items that are mere inches get lost if not accompanied by larger items.  Vary heights with your.  articles. When thinking of composition and heights of objects, remember to use the "W" or the "M."  For instance, if I drew a line starting at the bottom of the left side of the basket of fruit in the above picture, went up and back down, up, and down, I would have an "M." Continue the up and down to contrast elevations.

I miss assisting clients with their homes, but I'm enjoying writing about Sarah too. In the second book of the Sarah Series, her assignment is Laney, an architect and designer. Sarah needs to match Laney up with her stubborn boss, and this leads to hilarious mishaps. Sarah: Laney's Angel is available in eBook, print, and audio.  You'll find uplifting moments and a few ideas in this book.

We have a smattering of family coming for Thanksgiving, and I wish they all could be here. Some are required to work on holidays. Bummer. Two have sickness.  What are you doing for the day? Gathering at your house or going to another's?  Either way, my prayer is for you to have a blessed one.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Gay's Days Thanksgiving Decorating Tips

Thanksgiving Decorating Tips 2014

 Have you ever wished Thanksgiving and Christmas didn’t fall near each other on the calendar?  The proximity makes it difficult to decorate for each one.

Why not put up a Thanksgiving tree?  A few days after the guests leave and you recuperate from the crowd, convert the tree to Christmas.

The tree above was simple to do.  Garlands of fall leaves don’t require much time, and placing scarecrows among the branches add to the charm.  Anything works. 

Before I became a published author with my Sarah series, I worked as an interior designer/decorator. I will always remember a certain client. Her home was quite beautiful, but she’d decided her living and dining area needed a bit of tweaking, so she hired me as a consultant.

Her hobby was decorating for each holiday.  She kept two huge trees up all year long—one in the living area and one in the master bedroom.

When a new holiday came around, she changed the decorations.  Think of all the monthly occasions.  In January, her tree looked like a miniature winter wonderland.  February—it was hearts everywhere. From the reds and pinks of February, came the greens of March and Saint Patrick’s Day. In April, she decorated the trees with spring time flowers.  May and June—Mother’s Day and Father’s Day.  She had all kinds of babies and children ornaments and included pictures of her own family among the limbs.  In July, it was time for flags and anything red, white, and blue. August and September, her trees possessed all things summer—picnic tables, watermelons, boats. October, the trees took on Halloween. In November, fall and Thanksgiving appeared, and December, she brought out the reds and greens of Christmas.

She ushered me into a room she’d converted to stockpile her bazillion decorations.  It resembled a store with aisles.  The lady could literally push a buggy up and down as she selected items for her trees. Not only did she place ornamentations on trees, they also went everywhere—fireplace mantle, dining table, occasional tables—anywhere there was a surface.

Her question to me was how best to show off these diverse decorations.  I suggested she remove wallpaper and replace it with a simple, neutral paint color.  I also suggested new indistinct furniture patterns.  The focal point would then be the adornments. Her color palate changed on a monthly basis with the holidays.

In a few days, I’ll show you my mantel and give ideas on how to group items together. A few weeks ago, I promised I’d show pictures of yard décor, but I don’t do Halloween, and I haven’t seen many local yards decorated with a Thanksgiving scene. I found one and it's well done.

I recommend clusters in a number of shapes and sizes.
When possible, lift the items to vary the display. Plant stands with numerous heights make good lifters.
 When I wrote Sarah: Laney’s Angel, I wrote from personal experiences.  However, designer Laney did not work with individuals. She attempted to build her design firm by working solely for a Houston builder. I enjoyed working with countless people who had countless styles.
Sarah: Laney’s Angel is the second book in the Sarah series, and it is now available on Amazon's Audible.



Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Gay's Days, Veteran's Day 2014

Veteran's Day
November 11, 2014
Mr. Thomas Moore
This dear man was a POW in Germany during WWII. Shot in the right arm, the Germans captured and imprisoned him for six months before the British Army made their way to the site and freed the men.
He won't talk much about it.
Moore goes weekly to the Veteran's Administration each Wednesday here in Houston. A group of Vets gather to share their nightmares. Yes, after all these years, Tom still has them.
For years, this man who will be ninety-three on January 1, 2015, drove himself across Houston freeways for the weekly meetings at the VA. Just this past year, a neighbor began taking him.
You'll find Tom joining us each Sunday in Bible Study and Worship. He drives himself these shorter distances, and he's faithful. For three days this past week, Tom was hospitalized, but on Sunday, he arrived in his usual, early manner.
Tom is an avid reader, and prizes my books. In my first book, Sarah: A Mission of Love, I named the hero Tom.  I had Moore in mind. My character isn't similar, but the fictional Tom is a good man, and so is the real Tom.  The Warrior Angel in my series is named Tomas. I wish I could honor this faithful man in other ways.
I asked Mr. Moore if I could interview him and write his story. He thought about it and then declined. So many of these men refuse to talk about their experiences. Moore says a lot of Vets feel that we, the general public, won't understand.
We appreciate veterans who've served and are serving our country, but I'm sending a special thanks to Mr. Moore.
And one to my Dad who resides in heaven. He never spoke about his experiences either.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Gay's Days November 6, 2014

Have you read Sarah: Laney's Angel?  If you haven't, you can now listen to the novel instead of reading it!  Check it out on Amazon Audible.  The reader does an excellent job.  I'm enjoying listening, and I wrote it!
Before I devoted my days to writing, I worked as an interior designer.  Some of my experiences made it into this book.
Chapter One starts off with Laney inside a vacant house with her samples. She's there to check measurements before she orders materials. Workers aren't around, and the area is secluded. When an intruder enters and finds a beautiful woman inside, he's thrilled and thinks he hit the jackpot.
I actually had this experience.
And it was scary.
No angels were present that I know of, but I've never prayed so hard in my life. When the guy touched me, I backed off and began talking as fast as I knew how.
In Laney's case, Tomas, the Warrior Angel, alerted her boss, and he decked the guy.
No human showed up to help me. Just the Lord and His unseen forces.
I left the house with the man following, got into my car, locked the doors, and then the thing wouldn't start!
More prayers.
Once more, I turned the key in the ignition, and this time, the engine purred to my relieved ears.
I never went back to an empty house again without the construction superintendent's presence.
Do you think Laney learned her lesson?
I hope you'll read or listen to find the answer to that question.

PBG Insider: Gay N. Lewis Introduces her "Sarah" series

Sarah at Christmas