Sunday, October 25, 2020

Waiting on the Lord


Waiting is hard.

I don't like it.

I'm not alone, most of us don't like waiting. 

We have a microwave mentality. 

In fact, I tap my foot while waiting for the microwave to do it's thing.  I sometimes open the door and take out what is warm rather than what would be hot if I waited.

Are we lukewarm? Do we jump the bell and take out a meal that is not quite ready?  We do that with the Lord, too. We take off running with part of an idea. God has the entire concept in mind, not just the bare outline.

We expect instant gratification, so when the Lord says, "wait."  We shout, "No, not now.  God, Give me an answer this moment!" By the way, who are we to order God around? Can we control Him? We sometimes try.

In His Word, Isaiah tells us when we wait upon the Lord, we will renew our strength, and mount up with wings as eagles.  We shall run and not be weary. We shall walk and not faint.  Isaiah 40:30-31.

What are you waiting for today?

The nation and world is holding its breath, waiting to see who will win the American Presidential Election.

A ruler or leader will be in power a short time. God is forever, and He alone moves rulers about. When Assyria threatened Judah in the 6th Century, God removed 185,000 Assyrian soldiers in one night.  Later, Nebuchadnezzar, the King of Babylon, lost his mind and lived as an animal eating grass.  Trust God to control the ruler.

The world is waiting for the Covid-19 to end. We tire of shutdowns, masks, and fear of disease and death. 

We wait for 2020 to end. It's been a hard year. Hurricanes, fires, shutdowns, loss of jobs. Loss of important events: weddings and funerals. We want the time of hardship over. And we want it NOW!

Chin up my friend. Let's wait on the Lord together. Let's expand our wings like eagles. God is in control.

Teach Me to Wait 

I Don't Know About Tomorrow

Faith and Humor


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