Sunday, October 20, 2019

A Bluebird of Happiness

Years ago, I found this little framed picture you see above, and it's been in  every room of my house. It serves as a reminder; I'm not to worry, I'm to tell God my needs, and I'm not to forget to thank Him for His answers.  This prompt has brought me more comfort over time than I can remember.

I ran across Gretchen Clasby, the artist of the bluebird, way back eons ago. I called her and ordered two of these from her Cedar Hill Studio in Waynesville, NC. I have no idea how I found her in those decades past, but it's easy now via the Internet. Her link is above.

 She shipped me two pictures: one for me, and one for my sister. My sister and I have a habit of worry. It comes with our DNA, but Scripture tells us that worry can be overcome with prayer and thanksgiving. It's not easy, my friend, but yes, it's doable.

For me, it's a growth process. I've had the affliction of anxiety since childhood.  My mom and dad taught this ailment well. They worried about everything.  My dad was fearful of clouds. He'd wake us up an night, and we'd head to the cellar in the backyard. He'd even come to school and take me out of class!

My mom feared all circumstance. Everytime she heard an ambulance, she was convinced a relative was in trouble. She worried about each one until she spoke to them and knew for certain they weren't carried away in the zooming, loud ER vehicle.

I hated their fears, and I made my mind up when I was about six years old that I'd not be afraid of storm clouds, and I wouldn't go to another cellar unless a tornado was headed right toward me. When I see an ambulance, I decided to pray for whoever is inside, but I don't worry that I know them.

Hmmm? Maybe that's part of the "not worry" process. The decision. Make one and stick to it.

I made the choice to be calm in a rain storm. Now, I'm not mindless. I prepare. We live in Houston. We have hurricanes and flooding. I keep emergency supplies on hand, but I'm not terrified of a "possible" storm that might or might not occur.

So what do I worry about? Well, here's a few items: health, finances, old age, family, church, country, government, friends. Did I leave out one or two? Probably, but you get the idea. 

As a family, we memorized Phil: 4:6 when the kids were children. We still repeat it to each other as a means of encouragment. Here's an interesting tidbit. Our daughter, the one with Dementia, can still repeat this verse. She can't remember much of anything else, but this verse sticks with her and brings comfort. 

I remind myself that God knows our needs and has already provided for them. Will I like the way He plans to take care of them? Perhaps. Perhaps not, but there's one thing I know and don't worry about. He loves me and whatever He plans is, it's better than mine. My plan "B" will never be as good as plan "G."  That's G for God.

What do you worry about? I'm gonna guess I've mentioned a few worries we share.

Okay, here's something for you and me. Jesus tells us not to worry. Read his Words in Matthew 6:25-34.  Take a deep breath, seek His kingdon and righteousness, and relax. 

I'm working on it. Growing into it. How about you?


  1. Worries come and worries go. I am thankful to be able to go to God and ask for help and comfort. :-)


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