The H.O.P.E. Vitamins
for Healthy Living
Prescription: Take
H Take a daily amount of humor. To have better mental,
spiritual, and physical health, laugh often.
From a slight titter to an all-out guffaw, laugher improves wellbeing. The entire body responds with this physical
phenomenon. Shoulders jiggle, lips reveal teeth, verbal sounds escape, and
tension evaporates. God gives us laugher
from our early beginnings. Make a face at a baby and watch the wee one respond
with a huge happy reaction. Our natural rejoinder
is to then do the same. Laughter is
O Include
a daily dose of optimism. A person
who maintains a positive outlook believes that everything in life will work
itself out for the best. These people deliver a presence of assurance,
self-confidence and enthusiasm. Many unbelievers are natural optimists. How much more important for a believer to
live with God, themselves, and their circumstances.
P Don’t
forget an amount of prayer.
Scripture tells us to pray without ceasing. This communication with the Holy
Father doesn’t require long dissertations. After all He already knows our
circumstances, and he doesn’t need information, but He enjoys hearing from us. Short
sentences uttered throughout the day to the One who lives within our hearts will
keep us in harmony with Him. In this day and time we send simple, even
abbreviated text messages to stay in touch with loved ones. Of course we enjoy
long conversations with friends and family, but even a short message is a
E Never
overlook a measure of enjoyment. Enjoy your work, your hobby, your family,
your meals, and even a good night’s sleep. Never feel guilty over the pleasure
these things bring you. Look for pleasure in each day’s living.
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