Sunday, May 26, 2024

Memorial Day


June 6, 2024 will mark the 80th Anniversary of Dday.

The Allies hit the beaches of Normandy, France on that day. My dad went in on June 7, a day later, it is known as Dday Plus One.

Seargant Edward Earl Morton

The sites he must have seen. All the dead heroes lying on the beach and in the water from the day before. He is one of the blessed ones, he made it through and came home.


 Mr. Tom Moore and me at church.

Another friend, Mr. Tom Moore, became a POW in a German camp.  He came home too.

I don't have his picture, but Mr. Jim Mathis was a friend and church member of ours too.

Many of my relatives fought in WWII, but these three, my dad, Mr. Moore, and Mr. Mathis were in actual battles.

These men who returned home brought horrible memories with them. None of them would let me interview them, and I tried many times.

I read an article today that reported 30% of America's current young people aren't patriotic. I wish they would take a moment to read the reasons they have that freedom.  Start with this article.

                                                         World War II

All three of the guys I mentioned above are in heaven now, but I will give thanks for them on Memorial Day.

Numerous Americans will gather today in backyards for barbeque, beer, margarita's, play games, and swim in pools—for them, it will be a fun and a relaxing time away from work. Grills will smoke with meat and the aroma of hamburgers and brisket will tantalize the taste buds.

Smoke on the battlefields was part of a soldier’s life during every war.  The smoke did not arise from a backyard grill and fun times.  Men and women fought on foreign shores for our freedom. It was not pretty, nor did it have a fragrant aroma. No fun in this scenario.

The three men I mentioned above came home, but Memorial Day is set aside to remember those who didn't. Let us pause at this solemn interval to give thanks to those who shaped our freedom in the supreme way. 

Fly the flag. Decorate the graves. Pause to give thanks.


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