Sunday, June 5, 2022

Bling, Bling, and More Bling


I love bling!

I probably wear too much of it. Understated is better, but I love bling.

The first time I ever heard the word, bling, I wondered what it meant, so I did what people do. I Googled it.  According to the Oxford Dictionary, it means, "expensive, ostentatious clothing and jewelry or the wearing of them."

I wear bling, and although I have one or two nice pieces, for the most part, my bling is costume jewelry, and inexpensive jewelry works as ostentatious, too.

Bling is accessories for the overall appearance. Trappings complete a look.

I once heard a fashion expert say years ago, "Before you walk out the door, make sure you have on fourteen things."

Now she made this statement back in the day when ladies wore more clothing.  The fourteen items might go like this.

1. Bra

2. Panties

3. Petticoat

4. Pantyhose

5. dress

6. Shoes

7. Watch

8. Necklace

9. Bracelet

10. Rings

11. More rings (or wedding rings if married)

12. Belt

13. Hair clamp, or hat

14. Earrings

Times have changed since she offered this advice. Pantyhose are antiquated for most ladies, and there are a few who burned their bra and no longer wear one.

So today, perhaps ten items might accomplish the completed look.  Eliminate the first four items on the above list if you prefer less undergarments.

I've also eliminated belts.

For dressy occasions, I usually wear 12 to 14 items. I wear accessories in three's. Three bracelets on one arm, a watch and two bracelets of the other. I love big, blingy earrings, and I've been known to wear three necklaces in various lengths.

Pantyhose are definitely not for me.

In my first book, Sarah: A Mission of Love, the precocious child, Hope, tells her mom's date all about bling. Here's an excerpt.

Hope answered his knock on the door and Tom greeted the little girl with a smile. “Hello, young lady. You look dazzling in your purple outfit.”

“Thank you. It’s new. We went to Deal-Mart.” The youngster pirouetted to show off her matching pants and sweater. “Purple is my favorite color, and I like the beads on the top.” Hope pointed to her neckline and the sweater pocket. “I’ve got bling.”

“And what is bling?”

Hope put her hands on her hips and glared. “Mr. Tom, don’t you know anything? Bling means my sparkly diamonds on my clothes!”

"Are they real?"

Hope blew out a big breath and looked at Tom as if he'd grown horns. "No, Mr. Tom. Mom says I'm too young to wear real ones."

Sarah is a dyslexic angel who want to help Tom, Marcy, and Hope, but boy!  Does she make a mess.  This book is light, entertaining, and heartwarming. I hope you'll read it.



  1. I enjoy bling! I also had fun reading "Sarah: A Mission of Love". Hope is adorable.


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