Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Gay's Days, May 12, 2015

Mother’s Day 2015

The day we honor our mom’s has come and gone.  I hope you had a good one. For some, it was a day of sadness…loneliness…regrets, but for some of us, the remembrance brought joy.

Sunday morning is a busy time in my house, so when hubby handed me the Houston Chronicle and said, “Here, read this article. It is a real tear-jerker.”

The clock read seven o’clock, and he was out the door as soon as he said it—his normal time to exit on Sunday. As the pastor of a small church, he has much to do when he arrives there.

Me? Well, I still was at the computer in my gown and robe trying to finish the Bible lesson I would soon teach.  I leave for church at nine and decided I didn’t have time to read a sad tale about a mother. Who wants that anyway?

Hubby and I read constantly. He loves non-fiction, and I adore fiction. What is it they say about opposites? Oh yeah, they find each other.

We had a lovely day. Our daughter took us to lunch after worship and we enjoyed the visit. That night, my hubby asked me if I’d read the article.

“No.  Not yet.”

“Gay! It only takes two seconds. I can’t believe you didn’t read it.”

“Why do I want to read something heart-rending? There’s enough of that without looking for it.”

“Read it. It’s poignant.”

And so I finally did.

I suggest you find it on the Houston Chronicle site, May 10, 2015, City/State page, written by Lisa Falkenberg, entitled. “She’s not a saint, superhero or motivational speaker—she’s Mom.”

My own mother was not a saint, superhero or speaker either. In fact, she refused to read or pray in public and often didn’t want to attend a Bible study for fear she’d be called upon to do so. Such things are normal for me.

In the article, Ms. Falkenberg writes that she and her mom’s relationship was like oil and water. Often mine was so with my mother. She wanted to cling to me and I ran like a maniac toward independence.

I’m thankful we spent the last ten years of her life in harmony. We truly loved each other and came to admire our differences.

I cut the article out.

As always, hubby was right.
I miss her.





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