Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Last Day to Save Money!


Sale Ends Today!
Sarah loves Christmas!
And she loves spending it in Texas. 
She's sad the season is coming to an end.
While in Texas for Christmas, she gets lost in a bizarre snow blizzard.
 Blizzards don't happen in Texas. 
Not normally, anyway. 
 Texans often wear shorts on Christmas Day.

Sarah is sent to comfort Emily. Her fiance broke off their engagement on the grandest of all holidays,  and the coward sent a police officer to Emily's work with a restraining order!
Sarah, being Sarah, decided to show the ofiicer a thing or two as he presented Emily with documents. 
Of course, hitting him in the head with an office stapler might not be a good idea, but she manages to scare the wits out of him.

How to help? She assumes the identity of an elderly woman and  proceeds to help. 

God's angels don't goof up, but Sarah is an exception.

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Special Baby

Mary's Baby

Most mothers think their baby is the cutest, sweetest, and brightest baby ever born, and they believe their child will grow up to make a major contribution to the world.

If the mom holds athletics in her DNA, perhaps she dreams her baby will become another Tom Brady or a Michael Jordan. If the mom’s family is known for high IQs, she imagines her child will be another Einstein or Elon Musk. But present-day mothers can merely hope and fantasize about their baby’s destiny.

The Virgin Mary knew with certainty that her baby was special. An angel told her.

When the angel, Gabriel, told the virgin Mary she would have a baby boy, Gabriel also told the terrified teenage mother-to-be that her baby would be the Son of the Most High, would rule over the house of Jacob, and His rule would have no end. Luke 1:30.

No need for an ultrasound here. Mary received a Divine Revelation.

What was in Mary’s DNA to make this baby special?

She belonged to the tribe of Judah.

Other than her ancestry, Scripture doesn’t divulge why she found favor with God.

Did Gabriel tell Mary her son would die on the cross? Nope.  He didn’t reveal that.

Did Gabriel say, “And by the way, your heart will break as you watch your son die.” Nope. He left that out.

Did ole Gabe tell her how to raise this special child? Nope, nary a word.

That little teenage girl knew she carried a special baby, but like all mothers, she didn’t know the future. She was a mere mortal, chosen to live an astonishing life as a parent to a normal baby who really wasn’t normal. He was an ordinary baby, with typical infant needs, but He was also the Son of God.

How did Mary parent Him?

With love, affection, and discipline. That’s what mothers do.

Both eBook and Print on Sale

Sarah and a Texas Christmas

Saturday, December 21, 2024


When tricksters learn our loved one is gone, they find way to cheat us.

I have a doctor sending me notices for services he didn’t do. An ambulance company sent a bill for services they didn’t perform.

Tips for Caregivers.

1.   If an invoice arrives, check it out before you pay it.

2.   Be careful what you put on social media.

3.   Remember hackers are out there, and they read obits.

4.   Check the Internet to see how many times you find your loved one’s name. You can send a cease-and-desist letter to the organizations that have misinformation. I had our funeral home write one to Echovita. They are an Internet site that gathers obits. They make up their own obit based on what they find and read. I don’t think they gather info to harm. They say they want to help, but it is more information for scammers.

5.   As we close Shelley’s business, one entity wanted us to take a picture of the death certificate and email it. I didn’t think that was a good idea. Secure sites get hacked. Any information with her name, social security number, etc. should be kept safe. Smart hackers can trace data back to the family and who knows what sort of evil they can plan. 

 Christmas Book

Another Christmas Book on Sale

Monday, December 16, 2024

Do What You Don't Want to Do

Just Do It!

That’s my hubby’s motto, and he does what is needed without procrastination.

Me?  Not so much.

I put off things I don’t like. I hesitate on stuff I do like.

When I do what needs to be done, I feel better about myself. How about you?

I’ve done all sorts of things to help myself. Here’s a few ways I’ve tried to improve.

1.  Set goals. Yep, I’ve done that. I’ve even written them down. Sometimes they helped, and I felt good about my accomplishments.

2.  Just start with something. My desk is a good example. When I sort through the stacks, I’m proud of the clean areas.

3.  Ask someone who is good at organizing to help you. It’s amazing what these people can see that you can’t.

4.  I read a list once. It said to create habits. Well, I’ve done that, but I develop bad routines. If I start to write a blog, shouldn’t I play a game of Scrabble first? I need to keep my mind alert, don’t I?

5.  My motto these days is to do at least one thing. That might be to cook a good meal. It could mean I organize a closet. Or go to the gym. Today, I’m writing a blog.

While writing this blog, a verse came to me. It says:

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the realm of the dead, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom. Ecclesiastes 9:10

Solomon, the author of this verse, was correct. When we get to our destination, Heaven, there is no working or planning. But he was wrong about knowledge and wisdom. Up there, we will have plenty of that. However, while down here, we should work with all our might.

Here’ a video I did yesterday as I sat in my hubby’s truck. I didn’t want to go to church yesterday. I didn’t feel up to it, but I went, and afterward, I was happy I did.

Just Do It!

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Angel in my Pocket



My dainty, crocheted, angel winked at me.

Honest! She did.

Her little, white, stitched face doesn’t have eyes like yours and mine. But I saw a sparkle where her eyes should be.

She has snowy hair, and so is mine, but her tresses were recently coifed by the sweet lady who crocheted her. Mine need a lot of help.

Her golden wings shine and never appear tarnished. Either this little angel is always perfect, or her wings are brand new. If she grows into someone like me. She’ll need to hoist down the halo/wings and polish them every day.

When she arrived, her note said she’s a pocket angel to be with me throughout the day.  She is a reminder that God is nearby.

She hasn’t gone to my pocket yet. She sits on my desk and leans against the computer screen. She sees me working away.

She knows when I’m sad. So, she winks at me, and I feel better.  Her tag reads, “I’m an ever-present guardian, a reminder of God’s love, and how He’s watching over us from somewhere up above.”

I write about an angel named Sarah, and I’ve named this little one who sits near me, “Sarah.” Unlike the Sarah at my desk, my Sarah is not a good, ever-present guardian. She’s Heaven’s Little Love Angel. She brings romance into the lives of earthlings who are her assignment.

But she makes a mess. In the end, she gets things straight, but not without a bit of help from someone in The Heavenlies. Her angel friends are always ready to pat her on the shoulder or give her words of wisdom and encouragement.

On Earth down here, we sometimes need a bit of help, and it’s a beautiful gift when one of our human friends extends kindness.

We can give a smile or word to those who sad.

Or if you know how to crochet, send a pocket angel.

 Sarah and a Texas Christmas


PBG Insider: Gay N. Lewis Introduces her "Sarah" series

Sarah at Christmas